AVI 080 Project "ACROSS"

"Analyzed Climatology of Rainfall Obtained from Satellite and Surface data

for the Mediterranean Basin"

Complementary projects

The experiences gained by the two EC partner institutions in the on-going EC Project PL 910060 "Flood Hazard Control by Multisensor Storm Tracking in the Mediterranean Area" - STORM `93 (Storm Tracking and Observations for Rainfall Runoff Monitoring - Other Partners: Genova Ricerche (I), DIST - Univ. Genova (I), Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK), Univ. Barcellona (E), National Research Council (I), DIE - Univ. Florence (I), will be exploited as a basic support in achieving the aims of the present project. The project will also form a logical extension, given its more detailed contextualization, of projects such as the NASA's WETNET project and the WCRP GEWEX project. Moreover a useful connection could be made with the activities of the AMHY pole of the UNESCO IIP IV - FRIEND project, which also covers the Alpine Mediterranean area and one of the themes of which is concerned with the regionalization of precipitation patterns in this region. A database of ground based precipitation data is in creation for these purposes and could thus be a very useful source of data for this project as well. Data will also be sought from the Orstorm database archive for those: territories that do not have an institutional participation in the project. In addition, the large resolution WMO monitoring network will also be taken into account and the information derived from it will be completed by a series of local network systems to be identified at the smallest scales. In particular, climatic and hydrological information will be sought from the series of instrumented sites that have been established under the research project on Euro-Mediterranean Experimental Research Basins (ERB), some of which are located in the study area. The information available from these fine scales networks will be a relevant data source to this project.

ACROSS Welcome Page

MI - June 1996