IdentityCheck Directive

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This directive enables RFC931 compliant logging of the remote user name for sites which run identd or something similar. This information is logged in the access_log. It should not be trusted in any way except for rudimentary usage tracking.

If you do not plan to use this information, keep this directive set to off. Your network administrator will thank you later.


IdentityCheck setting

setting is either on or off.

Only one IdentityCheck directive should appear in the configuration file.

Virtual Host

This directive is not valid in the virtual host section because this information is determined before the server knows which host is being accessed.


If no IdentityCheck directive is present, httpd assumes:

IdentityCheck off

Compile Option: DEFAULT_RFC931


IdentityCheck on

Causes the server to check the identity of each person accessing it.

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NCSA HTTPd Development Team / / 10-02-95