ApplicationShell (3X) - The ApplicationShell widget class
Composite (3X) - The Composite widget class
Constraint (3X) - The Constraint widget class
Core (3X) - The Core widget class
MrmCloseHierarchy (3X) - Closes a UID hierarchy
MrmFetchBitmapLiteral (3X) - Fetches a bitmap literal from a hierarchy
MrmFetchColorLiteral (3X) - Fetches a named color literal from a UID file
MrmFetchIconLiteral (3X) - Fetches an icon literal from a hierarchy
MrmFetchLiteral (3X) - Fetches a literal from a UID file
MrmFetchSetValues (3X) - Fetches the values to be set from literals stored in UID files
MrmFetchWidget (3X) - Fetches and creates any indexed (UIL named) application widgets and its children
MrmFetchWidgetOverride (3X) - Fetches any indexed (UIL named) application widget. It overrides the arguments specified for this application widget in UIL
MrmInitialize (3X) - Prepares an application to use MRM widget-fetching facilities
MrmOpenHierarchy (3X) - Allocates a hierarchy ID and opens all the UID files in the hierarchy
MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay (3X) - Allocates a hierarchy ID and opens all the UID files in the hierarchy
MrmRegisterClass (3X) - Saves the information needed for MRM to access the widget creation function for user-defined widgets
MrmRegisterNames (3X) - Registers the values associated with the names referenced in UIL (for example, UIL callback function names or UIL identifier names)
MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy (3X) - Registers the values associated with the names referenced in UIL within a single hierarchy (for example, UIL callback function names or UIL identifier names)
Object (3X) - The Object widget class
OverrideShell (3X) - The OverrideShell widget class
RectObj (3X) - The RectObj widget class
Shell (3X) - The Shell widget class
TopLevelShell (3X) - The TopLevelShell widget class
TransientShell (3X) - The TransientShell widget class
Uil (3X) - Invokes the UIL compiler from within an application
UilDumpSymbolTable (3X) - Dumps the contents of a named UIL symbol table to standard output
VendorShell (3X) - The VendorShell widget class
VirtualBindings (3X) - Bindings for virtual mouse and key events
WMShell (3X) - The WMShell widget class
XmActivateProtocol (3X) - A VendorShell function that activates a protocol
XmActivateWMProtocol (3X) - A VendorShell convenience interface that activates a protocol
XmAddProtocolCallback (3X) - A VendorShell function that adds client callbacks for a protocol
XmAddProtocols (3X) - A VendorShell function that adds the protocols to the protocol manager and allocates the internal tables
XmAddTabGroup (3X) - A function that adds a manager or a primitive widget to the list of tab groups
XmAddWMProtocolCallback (3X) - A VendorShell convenience interface that adds client callbacks for a protocol
XmAddWMProtocols (3X) - A VendorShell convenience interface that adds the protocols to the protocol manager and allocates the internal tables
XmArrowButton (3X) - The ArrowButton widget class
XmArrowButtonGadget (3X) - The ArrowButtonGadget widget class
XmBulletinBoard (3X) - The BulletinBoard widget class
XmCascadeButton (3X) - The CascadeButton widget class
XmCascadeButtonGadget (3X) - The CascadeButtonGadget widget class
XmCascadeButtonGadgetHighlight (3X) - A CascadeButtonGadget function that sets the highlight state
XmCascadeButtonHighlight (3X) - A CascadeButton and CascadeButtonGadget function that sets the highlight state
XmChangeColor (3X) - Recalculates all associated colors of a widget
XmClipboardCancelCopy (3X) - A clipboard function that cancels a copy to the clipboard
XmClipboardCopy (3X) - A clipboard function that copies a data item to temporary storage for later copying to clipboard
XmClipboardCopyByName (3X) - A clipboard function that copies a data item passed by name
XmClipboardEndCopy (3X) - A clipboard function that ends a copy to the clipboard
XmClipboardEndRetrieve (3X) - A clipboard function that ends a copy from the clipboard
XmClipboardInquireCount (3X) - A clipboard function that returns the number of data item formats
XmClipboardInquireFormat (3X) - A clipboard function that returns a specified format name
XmClipboardInquireLength (3X) - A clipboard function that returns the length of the stored data
XmClipboardInquirePendingItems (3X) - A clipboard function that returns a list of data_id/private_id pairs
XmClipboardLock (3X) - A clipboard function that locks the clipboard
XmClipboardRegisterFormat (3X) - A clipboard function that registers a new format
XmClipboardRetrieve (3X) - A clipboard function that retrieves a data item from the clipboard
XmClipboardStartCopy (3X) - A clipboard function that sets up a storage and data structure
XmClipboardStartRetrieve (3X) - A clipboard function that starts a copy from the clipboard
XmClipboardUndoCopy (3X) - A clipboard function that deletes the last item placed on the clipboard
XmClipboardUnlock (3X) - A clipboard function that unlocks the clipboard
XmClipboardWithdrawFormat (3X) - A clipboard function that indicates that the application no longer wants to supply a data item
XmCommand (3X) - The Command widget class
XmCommandAppendValue (3X) - A Command function that appends the passed XmString to the end of the string displayed in the command area of the widget
XmCommandError (3X) - A Command function that displays an error message
XmCommandGetChild (3X) - A Command function that is used to access a component
XmCommandSetValue (3X) - A Command function that replaces a displayed string
XmConvertUnits (3X) - A function that converts a value in one unit type to another unit type
XmCreateArrowButton (3X) - The ArrowButton widget creation function
XmCreateArrowButtonGadget (3X) - The ArrowButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateBulletinBoard (3X) - The BulletinBoard widget creation function
XmCreateBulletinBoardDialog (3X) - The BulletinBoard BulletinBoardDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateCascadeButton (3X) - The CascadeButton widget creation function
XmCreateCascadeButtonGadget (3X) - The CascadeButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateCommand (3X) - The Command widget creation function
XmCreateDialogShell (3X) - The DialogShell widget creation function
XmCreateDragIcon (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that creates a DragIcon widget
XmCreateDrawingArea (3X) - The DrawingArea widget creation function
XmCreateDrawnButton (3X) - The DrawnButton widget creation function
XmCreateErrorDialog (3X) - The MessageBox ErrorDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateFileSelectionBox (3X) - The FileSelectionBox widget creation function
XmCreateFileSelectionDialog (3X) - The FileSelectionBox FileSelectionDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateForm (3X) - The Form widget creation function
XmCreateFormDialog (3X) - A Form FormDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateFrame (3X) - The Frame widget creation function
XmCreateInformationDialog (3X) - The MessageBox InformationDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateLabel (3X) - The Label widget creation function
XmCreateLabelGadget (3X) - The LabelGadget creation function
XmCreateList (3X) - The List widget creation function
XmCreateMainWindow (3X) - The MainWindow widget creation function
XmCreateMenuBar (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateMenuShell (3X) - The MenuShell widget creation function
XmCreateMessageBox (3X) - The MessageBox widget creation function
XmCreateMessageDialog (3X) - The MessageBox MessageDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateOptionMenu (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreatePanedWindow (3X) - The PanedWindow widget creation function
XmCreatePopupMenu (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreatePromptDialog (3X) - The SelectionBox PromptDialog convenience creation function
XmCreatePulldownMenu (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreatePushButton (3X) - The PushButton widget creation function
XmCreatePushButtonGadget (3X) - The PushButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateQuestionDialog (3X) - The MessageBox QuestionDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateRadioBox (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateRowColumn (3X) - The RowColumn widget creation function
XmCreateScale (3X) - The Scale widget creation function
XmCreateScrollBar (3X) - The ScrollBar widget creation function
XmCreateScrolledList (3X) - The List ScrolledList convenience creation function
XmCreateScrolledText (3X) - The TextScrolledText convenience creation function
XmCreateScrolledWindow (3X) - The ScrolledWindow widget creation function
XmCreateSelectionBox (3X) - The SelectionBox widget creation function
XmCreateSelectionDialog (3X) - The SelectionBox SelectionDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateSeparator (3X) - The Separator widget creation function
XmCreateSeparatorGadget (3X) - The SeparatorGadget creation function
XmCreateSimpleCheckBox (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimpleMenuBar (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimpleOptionMenu (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimplePopupMenu (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimplePulldownMenu (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimpleRadioBox (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateTemplateDialog (3X) - A MessageBox TemplateDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateText (3X) - The Text widget creation function
XmCreateTextField (3X) - The TextField widget creation function
XmCreateToggleButton (3X) - The ToggleButton widget creation function
XmCreateToggleButtonGadget (3X) - The ToggleButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateWarningDialog (3X) - The MessageBox WarningDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateWorkArea (3X) - A function that creates a RowColumn work area
XmCreateWorkingDialog (3X) - The MessageBox WorkingDialog convenience creation function
XmCvtCTToXmString (3X) - A compound string function that converts compound text to a compound string
XmCvtStringToUnitType (3X) - A function that converts a string to a unit-type value
XmCvtXmStringToCT (3X) - A compound string function that converts a compound string to compound text
XmDeactivateProtocol (3X) - A VendorShell function that deactivates a protocol without removing it
XmDeactivateWMProtocol (3X) - A VendorShell convenience interface that deactivates a protocol without removing it
XmDestroyPixmap (3X) - A pixmap caching function that removes a pixmap from the pixmap cache
XmDialogShell (3X) - The DialogShell widget class
XmDisplay (3X) - The Display widget class
XmDragCancel (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that terminates a drag transaction
XmDragContext (3X) - The DragContext widget class
XmDragIcon (3X) - The DragIcon widget class
XmDragStart (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that initiates a drag and drop transaction
XmDrawingArea (3X) - The DrawingArea widget class
XmDrawnButton (3X) - The DrawnButton widget class
XmDropSite (3X) - The DropSite Registry
XmDropSiteConfigureStackingOrder (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that reorders a stack of widgets that are registered drop sites
XmDropSiteEndUpdate (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that facilitates processing updates to multiple drop sites
XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrder (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that returns the parent, a list of children, and the number of children for a specified widget
XmDropSiteRegister (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that identifies a drop site and assigns resources that specify its behavior
XmDropSiteRetrieve (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that retrieves resource values set on a drop site
XmDropSiteStartUpdate (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that facilitates processing updates to multiple drop sites
XmDropSiteUnregister (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that frees drop site information
XmDropSiteUpdate (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that sets resource values for a drop site
XmDropTransfer (3X) - The DropTransfer widget class
XmDropTransferAdd (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that enables additional drop transfer entries to be processed after initiating a drop transfer
XmDropTransferStart (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that initiates a drop transfer
XmFileSelectionBox (3X) - The FileSelectionBox widget class
XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild (3X) - A FileSelectionBox function used to access a component
XmFileSelectionDoSearch (3X) - A FileSelectionBox function that initiates a directory search
XmFontList (3X) - Data type for a font list
XmFontListAdd (3X) - A font list function that creates a new font list
XmFontListAppendEntry (3X) - A font list function that appends an entry to a font list
XmFontListCopy (3X) - A font list function that copies a font list
XmFontListCreate (3X) - A font list function that creates a font list
XmFontListEntryCreate (3X) - A font list function that creates a font list entry
XmFontListEntryFree (3X) - A font list function that recovers memory used by a font list entry
XmFontListEntryGetFont (3X) - A font list function that retrieves font information from a font list entry
XmFontListEntryGetTag (3X) - A font list function that retrieves the tag of a font list entry
XmFontListEntryLoad (3X) - A font list function that loads a font or creates a font set and creates an accompanying font list entry
XmFontListFree (3X) - A font list function that recovers memory used by a font list
XmFontListFreeFontContext (3X) - A font list function that instructs the toolkit that the font list context is no longer needed
XmFontListGetNextFont (3X) - A font list function that allows applications to access the fonts and character sets in a font list
XmFontListInitFontContext (3X) - A font list function that allows applications to access the entries in a font list
XmFontListNextEntry (3X) - A font list function that returns the next entry in a font list
XmFontListRemoveEntry (3X) - A font list function that removes a font list entry from a font list
XmForm (3X) - The Form widget class
XmFrame (3X) - The Frame widget class
XmGadget (3X) - The Gadget widget class
XmGetAtomName (3X) - A function that returns the string representation for an atom
XmGetColorCalculation (3X) - A function to get the procedure used for default color calculation
XmGetColors (3X) - A function that generates foreground, select, and shadow colors
XmGetDestination (3X) - A function that returns the widget ID of the widget to be used as the current destination for quick paste and certain clipboard operations
XmGetDragContext (3X) - A Drag and Drop function that retrieves the DragContext widget ID associated with a timestamp
XmGetFocusWidget (3X) - Returns the ID of the widget that has keyboard focus
XmGetMenuCursor (3X) - A function that returns the cursor ID for the current menu cursor
XmGetPixmap (3X) - A pixmap caching function that generates a pixmap, stores it in a pixmap cache, and returns the pixmap
XmGetPixmapByDepth (3X) - A pixmap caching function that generates a pixmap, stores it in a pixmap cache, and returns the pixmap
XmGetPostedFromWidget (3X) - A RowColumn function that returns the widget from which a menu was posted
XmGetSecondaryResourceData (3X) - A function that provides access to secondary widget resource data
XmGetTabGroup (3X) - Returns the widget ID of a tab group
XmGetTearOffControl (3X) - A RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID for the tear-off control in a menu
XmGetVisibility (3X) - A function that determines if a widget is visible
XmGetXmDisplay (3X) - A Display function that returns the XmDisplay object ID for a specified display
XmGetXmScreen (3X) - A Screen function that returns the XmScreen object ID for a specified screen
XmInstallImage (3X) - A pixmap caching function that adds an image to the pixmap cache
XmInternAtom (3X) - A function that returns an atom for a given name
XmIsMotifWMRunning (3X) - A function that determines whether the window manager is running
XmIsTraversable (3X) - A function that identifies whether a widget can be traversed
XmLabel (3X) - The Label widget class
XmLabelGadget (3X) - The LabelGadget widget class
XmList (3X) - The List widget class
XmListAddItem (3X) - A List function that adds an item to the list
XmListAddItemUnselected (3X) - A List function that adds an item to the list
XmListAddItems (3X) - A List function that adds items to the list
XmListAddItemsUnselected (3X) - A List function that adds items to a list
XmListDeleteAllItems (3X) - A List function that deletes all items from the list
XmListDeleteItem (3X) - A List function that deletes an item from the list
XmListDeleteItems (3X) - A List function that deletes items from the list
XmListDeleteItemsPos (3X) - A List function that deletes items from the list starting at the given position
XmListDeletePos (3X) - A List function that deletes an item from a list at a specified position
XmListDeletePositions (3X) - A List function that deletes items from a list based on an array of positions
XmListDeselectAllItems (3X) - A List function that unhighlights and removes all items from the selected list
XmListDeselectItem (3X) - A List function that deselects the specified item from the selected list
XmListDeselectPos (3X) - A List function that deselects an item at a specified position in the list
XmListGetKbdItemPos (3X) - A List function that returns the position of the item at the location cursor
XmListGetMatchPos (3X) - A List function that returns all instances of an item in the list
XmListGetSelectedPos (3X) - A List function that returns the position of every selected item in the list
XmListItemExists (3X) - A List function that checks if a specified item is in the list
XmListItemPos (3X) - A List function that returns the position of an item in the list
XmListPosSelected (3X) - A List function that determines if the list item at a specified position is selected
XmListPosToBounds (3X) - A List function that returns the bounding box of an item at a specified position in a list
XmListReplaceItems (3X) - A List function that replaces the specified elements in the list
XmListReplaceItemsPos (3X) - A List function that replaces the specified elements in the list
XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselected (3X) - A List function that replaces items in a list without selecting the replacement items
XmListReplaceItemsUnselected (3X) - A List function that replaces items in a list
XmListReplacePositions (3X) - A List function that replaces items in a list based on position
XmListSelectItem (3X) - A List function that selects an item in the list
XmListSelectPos (3X) - A List function that selects an item at a specified position in the list
XmListSetAddMode (3X) - A List function that sets add mode in the list
XmListSetBottomItem (3X) - A List function that makes an existing item the last visible item in the list
XmListSetBottomPos (3X) - A List function that makes a specified item the last visible item in the list
XmListSetHorizPos (3X) - A List function that scrolls to the specified position in the list
XmListSetItem (3X) - A List function that makes an existing item the first visible item in the list
XmListSetKbdItemPos (3X) - A List function that sets the location cursor at a specified position
XmListSetPos (3X) - A List function that makes the item at the given position the first visible position in the list
XmListUpdateSelectedList (3X) - A List function that updates the XmNselectedItems resource
XmListYToPos (3X) - A List function that returns the position of the item at a specified y coordinate
XmMainWindow (3X) - The MainWindow widget class
XmMainWindowSep1 (3X) - A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of the first Separator widget
XmMainWindowSep2 (3X) - A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of the second Separator widget
XmMainWindowSep3 (3X) - A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of the third Separator widget
XmMainWindowSetAreas (3X) - A MainWindow function that identifies manageable children for each area
XmManager (3X) - The Manager widget class
XmMapSegmentEncoding (3X) - A compound string function that returns the compound text encoding format associated with the specified font list tag
XmMenuPosition (3X) - A RowColumn function that positions a Popup MenuPane
XmMenuShell (3X) - The MenuShell widget class
XmMessageBox (3X) - The MessageBox widget class
XmMessageBoxGetChild (3X) - A MessageBox function that is used to access a component
XmOptionButtonGadget (3X) - A RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID for the CascadeButtonGadget in an OptionMenu
XmOptionLabelGadget (3X) - A RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID for the LabelGadget in an OptionMenu
XmPanedWindow (3X) - The PanedWindow widget class
XmPrimitive (3X) - The Primitive widget class
XmProcessTraversal (3X) - A function that determines which component receives keyboard events when a widget has the focus
XmPushButton (3X) - The PushButton widget class
XmPushButtonGadget (3X) - The PushButtonGadget widget class
XmRegisterSegmentEncoding (3X) - A compound string function that registers a compound text encoding format for a specified font list element tag
XmRemoveProtocolCallback (3X) - A VendorShell function that removes a callback from the internal list
XmRemoveProtocols (3X) - A VendorShell function that removes the protocols from the protocol manager and deallocates the internal tables
XmRemoveTabGroup (3X) - A function that removes a tab group
XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback (3X) - A VendorShell convenience interface that removes a callback from the internal list
XmRemoveWMProtocols (3X) - A VendorShell convenience interface that removes the protocols from the protocol manager and deallocates the internal tables
XmRepTypeAddReverse (3X) - A representation type manager function that installs the reverse converter for a previously registered representation type
XmRepTypeGetId (3X) - A representation type manager function that retrieves the identification number of a representation type
XmRepTypeGetNameList (3X) - A representation type manager function that generates a list of values for a representation type
XmRepTypeGetRecord (3X) - A representation type manager function that returns information about a representation type
XmRepTypeGetRegistered (3X) - A representation type manager function that returns a copy of the registration list
XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter (3X) - A representation type manager function that installs the resource converter for XmNtearOffModel .
XmRepTypeRegister (3X) - A representation type manager function that registers a representation type resource
XmRepTypeValidValue (3X) - A representation type manager function that tests the validity of a numerical value of a representation type resource
XmResolveAllPartOffsets (3X) - A function that allows writing of upward-compatible applications and widgets
XmResolvePartOffsets (3X) - A function that allows writing of upward-compatible applications and widgets
XmRowColumn (3X) - The RowColumn widget class
XmScale (3X) - The Scale widget class
XmScaleGetValue (3X) - A Scale function that returns the current slider position
XmScaleSetValue (3X) - A Scale function that sets a slider value
XmScreen (3X) - The Screen widget class
XmScrollBar (3X) - The ScrollBar widget class
XmScrollBarGetValues (3X) - A ScrollBar function that returns the ScrollBar's increment values
XmScrollBarSetValues (3X) - A ScrollBar function that changes ScrollBar's increment values and the slider's size and position
XmScrollVisible (3X) - A ScrolledWindow function that makes an invisible descendant of a ScrolledWindow work area visible
XmScrolledWindow (3X) - The ScrolledWindow widget class
XmScrolledWindowSetAreas (3X) - A ScrolledWindow function that adds or changes a window work region and a horizontal or vertical ScrollBar widget to the ScrolledWindow widget
XmSelectionBox (3X) - The SelectionBox widget class
XmSelectionBoxGetChild (3X) - A SelectionBox function that is used to access a component
XmSeparator (3X) - The Separator widget class
XmSeparatorGadget (3X) - The SeparatorGadget widget class
XmSetColorCalculation (3X) - A function to set the procedure used for default color calculation
XmSetFontUnit (3X) - A function that sets the font unit value for a display
XmSetFontUnits (3X) - A function that sets the font unit value for a display
XmSetMenuCursor (3X) - A function that modifies the menu cursor for a client
XmSetProtocolHooks (3X) - A VendorShell function that allows pre and post actions to be executed when a protocol message is received from MWM
XmSetWMProtocolHooks (3X) - A VendorShell convenience interface that allows pre and post actions to be executed when a protocol message is received from the window manager
XmString (3X) - Data type for a compound string
XmStringBaseline (3X) - A compound string function that returns the number of pixels between the top of the character box and the baseline of the first line of text
XmStringByteCompare (3X) - A compound string function that indicates the results of a byte-by-byte comparison
XmStringCompare (3X) - A compound string function that compares two strings
XmStringConcat (3X) - A compound string function that appends one string to another
XmStringCopy (3X) - A compound string function that makes a copy of a string
XmStringCreate (3X) - A compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringCreateLocalized (3X) - A compound string function that creates a compound string in the current locale
XmStringCreateLtoR (3X) - A compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringCreateSimple (3X) - A compound string function that creates a compound string in the language environment of a widget
XmStringDirection (3X) - Data type for the direction of display in a string
XmStringDirectionCreate (3X) - A compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringDraw (3X) - A compound string function that draws a compound string in an X window
XmStringDrawImage (3X) - A compound string function that draws a compound string in an X Window and creates an image
XmStringDrawUnderline (3X) - A compound string function that underlines a string drawn in an X Window
XmStringEmpty (3X) - A compound string function that provides information on the existence of non-zero length text components
XmStringExtent (3X) - A compound string function that determines the size of the smallest rectangle that will enclose the compound string
XmStringFree (3X) - A compound string function that recovers memory
XmStringFreeContext (3X) - A compound string function that instructs the toolkit that the context is no longer needed
XmStringGetLtoR (3X) - A compound string function that searches for a text segment in the input compound string
XmStringGetNextComponent (3X) - A compound string function that returns the type and value of the next component in a compound string
XmStringGetNextSegment (3X) - A compound string function that fetches the octets in the next segment of a compound string
XmStringHasSubstring (3X) - A compound string function that indicates whether one compound string is contained within another
XmStringHeight (3X) - A compound string function that returns the line height of the given compound string
XmStringInitContext (3X) - A compound string function that allows applications to read out the content segment by segment
XmStringLength (3X) - A compound string function that obtains the length of a compound string
XmStringLineCount (3X) - A compound string function that returns the number of separators plus one in the provided compound string
XmStringNConcat (3X) - A compound string function that appends a specified number of bytes to a compound string
XmStringNCopy (3X) - A compound string function that creates a copy of a compound string
XmStringPeekNextComponent (3X) - A compound string function that returns the component type of the next component fetched
XmStringSegmentCreate (3X) - A compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringSeparatorCreate (3X) - A compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringTable (3X) - Data type for an array of compound strings
XmStringWidth (3X) - A compound string function that returns the width of the longest sequence of text components in a compound string
XmTargetsAreCompatible (3X) - A function that tests whether the target types match between a drop site and source object
XmText (3X) - The Text widget class
XmTextClearSelection (3X) - A Text function that clears the primary selection
XmTextCopy (3X) - A Text function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard
XmTextCut (3X) - A Text function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard and deletes the selected text
XmTextDisableRedisplay (3X) - A Text function that temporarily prevents visual update of the Text widget
XmTextEnableRedisplay (3X) - A Text function that forces the visual update of a Text widget
XmTextField (3X) - The TextField class
XmTextFieldClearSelection (3X) - A TextField function that clears the primary selection
XmTextFieldCopy (3X) - A TextField function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard
XmTextFieldCut (3X) - A TextField function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard and deletes the selected text
XmTextFieldGetBaseline (3X) - A TextField function that accesses the x position of the first baseline
XmTextFieldGetEditable (3X) - A TextField function that accesses the edit permission state
XmTextFieldGetInsertionPosition (3X) - A TextField function that accesses the position of the insertion cursor
XmTextFieldGetLastPosition (3X) - A TextField function that accesses the position of the last text character
XmTextFieldGetMaxLength (3X) - A TextField function that accesses the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the keyboard
XmTextFieldGetSelection (3X) - A TextField function that retrieves the value of the primary selection
XmTextFieldGetSelectionPosition (3X) - A TextField function that accesses the position of the primary selection
XmTextFieldGetSelectionWcs (3X) - A TextField function that retrieves the value of a wide character encoded primary selection
XmTextFieldGetString (3X) - A TextField function that accesses the string value
XmTextFieldGetStringWcs (3X) - A TextField function that retrieves a copy of the wide character string value of a TextField widget
XmTextFieldGetSubstring (3X) - A TextField function that retrieves a copy of a portion of the internal text buffer
XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcs (3X) - A TextField function that retrieves a a portion of a wide character internal text buffer
XmTextFieldInsert (3X) - A TextField function that inserts a character string into a text string
XmTextFieldInsertWcs (3X) - A TextField function that inserts a wide character string into a TextField widget
XmTextFieldPaste (3X) - A TextField function that inserts the clipboard selection
XmTextFieldPosToXY (3X) - A TextField function that accesses the x and y position of a character position
XmTextFieldRemove (3X) - A TextField function that deletes the primary selection
XmTextFieldReplace (3X) - A TextField function that replaces part of a text string
XmTextFieldReplaceWcs (3X) - A TextField function that replaces part of a wide character string in a TextField widget
XmTextFieldSetAddMode (3X) - A TextField function that sets the state of Add Mode
XmTextFieldSetEditable (3X) - A TextField function that sets the edit permission
XmTextFieldSetHighlight (3X) - A TextField function that highlights text
XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition (3X) - A TextField function that sets the position of the insertion cursor
XmTextFieldSetMaxLength (3X) - A TextField function that sets the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the keyboard
XmTextFieldSetSelection (3X) - A TextField function that sets the primary selection of the text
XmTextFieldSetString (3X) - A TextField function that sets the string value
XmTextFieldSetStringWcs (3X) - A TextField function that sets a wide character string value
XmTextFieldShowPosition (3X) - A TextField function that forces text at a given position to be displayed
XmTextFieldXYToPos (3X) - A TextField function that accesses the character position nearest an x and y position
XmTextFindString (3X) - A Text function that finds the beginning position of a text string
XmTextFindStringWcs (3X) - A Text function that finds the beginning position of a wide character text string
XmTextGetBaseline (3X) - A Text function that accesses the x position of the first baseline
XmTextGetEditable (3X) - A Text function that accesses the edit permission state
XmTextGetInsertionPosition (3X) - A Text function that accesses the position of the insert cursor
XmTextGetLastPosition (3X) - A Text function that accesses the last position in the text
XmTextGetMaxLength (3X) - A Text function that accesses the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the keyboard
XmTextGetSelection (3X) - A Text function that retrieves the value of the primary selection
XmTextGetSelectionPosition (3X) - A Text function that accesses the position of the primary selection
XmTextGetSelectionWcs (3X) - A Text function that retrieves the value of a wide character encoded primary selection
XmTextGetSource (3X) - A Text function that accesses the source of the widget
XmTextGetString (3X) - A Text function that accesses the string value
XmTextGetStringWcs (3X) - A Text function that retrieves a copy of the wide character string value of a Text widget
XmTextGetSubstring (3X) - A Text function that retrieves a copy of a portion of the internal text buffer
XmTextGetSubstringWcs (3X) - A Text function that retrieves a portion of a wide character internal text buffer
XmTextGetTopCharacter (3X) - A Text function that accesses the position of the first character displayed
XmTextInsert (3X) - A Text function that inserts a character string into a text string
XmTextInsertWcs (3X) - A Text function that inserts a wide character string into a Text widget
XmTextPaste (3X) - A Text function that inserts the clipboard selection
XmTextPosToXY (3X) - A Text function that accesses the x and y position of a character position
XmTextPosition (3X) - Data type for a character position within a text string
XmTextRemove (3X) - A Text function that deletes the primary selection
XmTextReplace (3X) - A Text function that replaces part of a text string
XmTextReplaceWcs (3X) - A Text function that replaces part of a wide character string in a Text widget
XmTextScroll (3X) - A Text function that scrolls text
XmTextSetAddMode (3X) - A Text function that sets the state of Add Mode
XmTextSetEditable (3X) - A Text function that sets the edit permission
XmTextSetHighlight (3X) - A Text function that highlights text
XmTextSetInsertionPosition (3X) - A Text function that sets the position of the insert cursor
XmTextSetMaxLength (3X) - A Text function that sets the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the keyboard
XmTextSetSelection (3X) - A Text function that sets the primary selection of the text
XmTextSetSource (3X) - A Text function that sets the source of the widget
XmTextSetString (3X) - A Text function that sets the string value
XmTextSetStringWcs (3X) - A Text function that sets a wide character string value
XmTextSetTopCharacter (3X) - A Text function that sets the position of the first character displayed
XmTextShowPosition (3X) - A Text function that forces text at a given position to be displayed
XmTextXYToPos (3X) - A Text function that accesses the character position nearest an x and y position
XmToggleButton (3X) - The ToggleButton widget class
XmToggleButtonGadget (3X) - The ToggleButtonGadget widget class
XmToggleButtonGadgetGetState (3X) - A ToggleButtonGadget function that obtains the state of a ToggleButtonGadget
XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState (3X) - A ToggleButtonGadget function that sets or changes the current state
XmToggleButtonGetState (3X) - A ToggleButton function that obtains the state of a ToggleButton
XmToggleButtonSetState (3X) - A ToggleButton function that sets or changes the current state
XmTrackingEvent (3X) - A Toolkit function that provides a modal interaction
XmTrackingLocate (3X) - A Toolkit function that provides a modal interaction
XmTranslateKey (3X) - The default keycode-to-keysym translator
XmUninstallImage (3X) - A pixmap caching function that removes an image from the image cache
XmUpdateDisplay (3X) - A function that processes all pending exposure events immediately
XmVaCreateSimpleCheckBox (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBar (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimplePopupMenu (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBox (3X) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmWidgetGetBaselines (3X) - Retrieves baseline information for a widget
XmWidgetGetDisplayRect (3X) - Retrieves display rectangle information for a widget
XvhCreateHelpDialog(3X) - a HelpDialog convenience creation function.
XvhCreateQuickHelpDialog(3X) - a QuickHelpDialog convenience creation function.
XvhFreeTopicData(3X) - Free memory allocated by XvhGetTopData and XvhProcessLinkData. structures.
XvhGetTopicData(3X) - Return the information a help file.
XvhHelpDialog(3X) - the HelpDialog widget class.
XvhProcessLinkData(3X) - Get hypertext data for subsequent calls to XvhGetTopicData .
XvhQuickHelpDialog(3X) - the QuickHelpDialog widget class.
XvhQuickHelpDialogGetChild(3X) - A QuickHelpDialog function used to access a component.
XvhReturnSelectedWidgetId(3X) - Return the selected widget or gadget based on a users selection.
XvhSetCatalogName(3X) - Sets the message catalog file name to be used with xvhHelpDialogWidgetClass widgets.
AAudioString(3X) - get name of audio controller (string) passed to AOpenAudio()
ABestAudioAttributes(3X) - get best audio attribute setting for specified controller
ACalculateLength(3X) - return the size in bytes of converted data
ACheckEvent(3X) - get first event found in audio event queue
ACheckMaskEvent(3X) - get first event in audio event queue that matches mask
AChooseAFileAttributes(3X) - select attributes to use when creating a new file
AChoosePlayAttributes(3X) - select hardware-supported attributes to use when playing an existing file or a stream
AChooseSourceAttributes(3X) - select attributes to associate with an existing file or a stream
ACloseAudio(3X) - close connection to specified audio server
AConnectRecordSStream(3X) - connect socket to TCP socket address; return transaction ID
AConnectionNumber(3X) - get connection number for specified audio server connection
AConvertAFile(3X) - convert audio file data format
AConvertBuffer(3X) - convert a buffer of data
ACreateSBucket(3X) - create empty sound bucket and return pointer to it
ADataFormats(3X) - get list of data formats supported by audio controller
ADestroySBucket(3X) - destroy specified sound bucket
AEndConversion(3X) - finish stream data conversion
AEventsQueued(3X) - get number of events in queue for specified server connection
AGMGainRestricted(3X) - find out if audio controller restricts gain entries
AGetAFileAttributes( ) - get file attributes of specified file
AGetChannelGain(3X) - get transaction channel gain
AGetDataFormats(3X) - get data formats for a specified file format
AGetErrorText(3X) - copy error description into specified buffer
AGetGain(3X) - get play volume or record gain of specified transaction
AGetSBucketData(3X) - copy audio data in sound bucket to buffer; return number of bytes
AGetSilenceValue(3X) - get a silence value
AGetSystemChannelGain(3X) - get system or monitor audio channel gain
AGetTransStatus(3X) - get status of specified transaction
AGrabServer(3X) - acquire exclusive use of audio server
AInputChannels(3X) - get list of A/D input channels on current hardware
AInputSources(3X) - get types of input sources existing on current hardware
ALoadAFile(3X) - copy audio file into new sound bucket with data conversion
AMaskEvent(3X) - get first matching event in audio event queue
AMaxInputGain(3X) - get maximum input gain supported by audio controller
AMaxOutputGain(3X) - get maximum output gain supported by audio controller
AMinInputGain(3X) - get minimum input gain supported by audio controller
AMinOutputGain(3X) - get minimum output gain supported by audio controller
ANextEvent(3X) - dequeue and return first event in audio event queue
ANumDataFormats(3X) - return number of data formats supported by audio controller
ANumSamplingRates(3X) - return number of sampling rates supported by audio controller
AOpenAudio(3X) - open connection to specified audio server
AOutputChannels(3X) - get D/A output channels existing on current hardware
AOutputDestinations(3X) - get types of output destinations existing on current hardware
APauseAudio(3X) - pause the specified audio transaction
APeekEvent(3X) - return but do not dequeue first event in audio event queue
APlaySBucket(3X) - play specified sound bucket and return transaction ID
APlaySStream(3X) - initiate transaction and return transaction ID and SStream structure
AProtocolRevision(3X) - get minor revision number of protocol used by audio server
AProtocolVersion(3X) - get major version number of protocol used by audio server
APutBackEvent(3X) - push event onto head of audio event queue
APutSBucketData(3X) - copy audio data from buffer to sound bucket
AQLength(3X) - return number of events on audio event queue
AQueryAFile(3X) - get file format of specified file
ARecordAData(3X) - read audio data into sound bucket
ARecordSStream(3X) - initiate transaction; return transaction ID and SStreams structure
AResumeAudio(3X) - resume specified audio transaction
ASamplingRates(3X) - return array of sampling rates supported by audio controller
ASaveSBucket(3X) - write sound bucket data into file with data conversion
ASelectInput(3X) - request report of specified audio events
AServerVendor(3X) - get vendor name of audio server for this connection
ASetChannelGain(3X) - set transaction channel gain
ASetCloseDownMode(3X) - set close-down mode to destroy or complete transactions on specified connection
ASetErrorHandler(3X) - replace default error handler with specified handler
ASetGain(3X) - set play volume or record gain of specified transaction
ASetIOErrorHandler(3X) - replace default I/O error handler with specified handler
ASetSystemChannelGain(3X) - set system or monitor audio channel gain
ASetSystemPlayGain(3X) - set system play volume
ASetSystemRecordGain(3X) - set system record gain
ASetupConversion(3X) - perform setup required for stream data conversion
ASimplePlayer(3X) - return gain matrix of basic play device
ASimpleRecorder(3X) - return gain matrix of basic recording device
ASoundBitOrder(3X) - get bit order used for one-bit-per-sample data
ASoundByteOrder(3X) - get byte order of audio data accepted by audio controller for this connection
AStopAudio(3X) - stop specified audio transaction
AUngrabServer(3X) - release server from exclusive use by this connection
AUpdateDataLength(3X) - update a file's header
AVendorRelease(3X) - get vendor release number of audio server for this connection
AWriteAFileHeader(3X) - write a header for an audio file
Aserver(1M) - audio server
AtAddCallback(3X) - add callback procedure for audio toolkit
AtInitialize(3X) - add audio event handler for this connection
AtRemoveCallback(3X) - set callback to NULL
AuCreatePlay(3X) - create an audio play widget
AuCreateRecord(3X) - create an audio record widget
AuInvokePlay(3X) - initiate a widget play operation
AuInvokeRecord(3X) - initiate a widget record operation
AuPlayWidget(3X) - audio play widget
AuRecordWidget(3X) - audio record widget
AuSaveFile(3X) - save sound bucket data created by record widget
Audio(5) - audio application interface and demo program
CDFinfo(4) - CDFinfo file format and rule syntax
SBDL(3G) - Starbase Graphics Display List Subsystem Library description
Switchinfo(4) - SwitchOver/UX configuration file
UIL (5X) - The user interface language file format
X(1) - a portable, network-transparent window system
XAllowDeviceEvents(3X11) - release queued events
XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList, XGetDeviceDontPropagateList(3X11) - query or change the dont-propagate-list for extension devices
XChangeKeyboardDevice(3X11) - change which device is used as the X keyboard
XChangePointerDevice(3X11) - change which device is the X pointer
XDeviceBell(3X11) - ring a bell on a device supported through the input extension
XGetDeviceControl, XChangeDeviceControl(3X11) - query and change input device controls
XGetDeviceKeyMapping, XChangeDeviceKeyMapping(3X11) - query or change device key mappings
XGetDeviceModifierMapping, XSetDeviceModifierMapping(3X11) - query or change device modifier mappings
XGetDeviceMotionEvents, XDeviceTimeCoord(3X11) - get device motion history
XGetExtensionVersion(3X) - query the version of the input extension.
XGetFeedbackControl, XChangeFeedbackControl(3X11) - query and change input device feedbacks
XGrabDevice, XUngrabDevice(3X11) - grab/release the specified extension device
XGrabDeviceButton, XUngrabDeviceButton(3X11) - grab/ungrab extension input device buttons
XGrabDeviceKey, XUngrabDeviceKey(3X11) - grab/ungrab extension input device Keys
XHPAcknowledge(3X) - Send an Acknowledge to an extended input device.
XHPChangeDeviceControl(3X) - Change the control attributes of an extension input device. XHPChangeDeviceKeyMapping
XHPConvertLookup(3X) - convert key event into keysym and characters
XHPDeviceAutoRepeatOn(3X) - Turn autorepeat on for an extension input device. XHPDeviceAutoRepeatOff
XHPDisableReset(3X) - Disable the reset key sequence.
XHPEnableReset(3X) - Enable the reset key sequence.
XHPFreeDeviceList(3X) - Free the input device list.
XHPGetCurrentDeviceMask(3X) - Get the current extension event mask.
XHPGetDeviceFocus(3X) - Get the focus window ID for an extension input device. XHPGetDeviceMotionEvents
XHPGetEurasianCvt(3X) - return the convert routine for Eurasian keyboards
XHPGetExtEventMask(3X) - Get an extension event mask.
XHPGetServerMode(3X) - Get the mode of the specified screen.
XHPGrabDevice(3X) - Grab an extended input device. XHPGrabDeviceButton
XHPInputChinese_s(3X) - map keysyms into Chinese_s characters.
XHPInputChinese_t(3X) - map keysyms into Chinese_t characters.
XHPInputISO7sub(3X) - map keysyms into ISO 7-bit substitution characters.
XHPInputJapanese(3X) - map keysyms into Japanese characters.
XHPInputKorean(3X) - map keysyms into Korean characters.
XHPInputRoman8(3X) - map keysyms into Roman8 characters.
XHPKeysymToRoman8, XHPRoman8ToKeysym(3X) - convert between X KeySyms and HP Roman8 characters
XHPListInputDevices(3X) - List all available X input devices.
XHPNlioctl(3X) - configure the 16-bit input environment
XHPPrompt(3X) - Send a prompt to an extended input device.
XHPSelectExtensionEvent(3X) - Select an extension event.
XHPSetDeviceFocus(3X) - Set the focus for an extended input device. XHPSetDeviceModifierMapping
XHPSetErrorHandler(3X) - Register an X error handling routine.
XHPSetInputDevice(3X) - Open a device for X input.
XHPSetKeyboardMapping, XHPRefreshKeyboardMapping(3X) - set/refresh the keyboard mapping
XHPUngrabDevice(3X) - Release a grab of an extension input device. XHPUngrabDeviceButton
XListInputDevices, XFreeDeviceList(3X11) - list available input devices
XOpenDevice, XCloseDevice(3X11) - open or close an extension input device
XQueryDeviceState(3X11) - query the state of an extension input device.
XSelectExtensionEvent, XGetSelectedExtensionEvents(3X11) - select extension events, get the list of currently selected extension events
XSendExtensionEvent(3X11) - send input extension events to a client
XSetDeviceButtonMapping, XGetDeviceButtonMapping(3X11) - query or change device button mappings
XSetDeviceFocus, XGetDeviceFocus(3X11) - control extension input device focus
XSetDeviceMode(3X11) - change the mode of a device
XSetDeviceValuators(3X11) - initialize the valuators on an extension input device
X_Open(5) - Pointer manual entry for X/Open XPG3 Conformance Statements
_ldecvt( ) - convert long-double floating-point number to string
a.out(4) - assembler and link editor output
a2p(1) - Awk to Perl translator
a64l( ) - convert between long integer and base-64 ASCII string
abort( ) - generate a software abort fault
abs( ) - return integer absolute value
accept(2) - accept a connection on a socket
accept, reject(1M) - allow/prevent LP requests
access(2) - determine accessibility of a file
access(3F) - determine accessibility of a file
acct(2) - enable or disable process accounting
acct(4) - per-process accounting file format
acctcms(1M) - command summary from per-process accounting records
acctcom(1M) - search and print process accounting file(s)
acctcon1, acctcon2(1M) - connect-time accounting
acctdisk, acctdusg, accton, acctwtmp(1M) - overview of accounting and miscellaneous accounting commands
acctmerg(1M) - merge or add total accounting files
acctprc1, acctprc2(1M) - process accounting
acl(5) - introduction to access control lists
acltostr( ) - convert access control list (ACL) structure to string form
adapt_clip_to_extent(3G) - control the disabling and enabling of clip planes based on extent testing
adb(1) - absolute debugger
add_names_to_set(3G) - add names to the current name set
addopt( ) - add argument and data to NetIPC option buffer
adjust(1) - simple text formatter
admin(1) - create and administer SCCS files
af_ccitt(7F) - CCITT address family
alarm(2) - set a process's alarm clock
alarm(3F) - execute a subroutine after a specified time
almanac( ) - return numeric date information in MPE format
alpha_transparency, bf_alpha_transparency(3G) - specify alpha transparency attributes for front- and back-facing surfaces
anytopnm(1) - attempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a portable anymap
append_text(3G) - output a string of characters.
application_data(3G) - insert application data into the currently open segment
ar(1) - maintain portable archives and libraries
ar(4) - common archive file format
arc, intarc, intpartial_arc, partial_arc(3G) - define an elliptical or circular region to be filled and/or edged.
archie(1) - query the Archie anonymous FTP databases using Prospero
arp(1M) - address resolution display and control
arp(7P) - Address Resolution Protocol
as(1) - assembler
as(1) - assembler (Precision Architecture)
as(1) - assembler for MC68000, MC68010, MC68020, MC68030 and MC68040
asa(1) - interpret ASA carriage control characters
ascii(5) - map of ASCII character set
asinh, acosh, atanh(3M) - inverse hyperbolic functions
assert( ) - verify program assertion
astrn(1) - translate assembly language
at, batch(1) - execute commands at a later time
atexit(2) - register a function to be called at program termination
atime(1) - time an assembly language instruction sequence
atktopbm(1) - convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to portable bitmap
atrans(1) - translate assembly language
audctl(2) - start or halt the auditing system and set or get audit files
audevent(1M) - change or display event or system call audit status
audeventstab(4) - define and describe audit system events
audisp(1M) - display the audit information as requested by the parameters
audit(4) - file format and other information for auditing
audit(5) - introduction to HP-UX Auditing System
audomon(1M) - audit overflow monitor daemon
audswitch(2) - suspend or resume auditing on the current process
audsys(1M) - start or halt the auditing system and set or display audit file information
audusr(1M) - select users to audit
audwrite(2) - write an audit record for a self-auditing process
autochanger(7) - optical autochanger driver
automount(1M) - automatically mount NFS file systems
await_event(3G) - wait for event to occur and be buffered then return class of the event (LOCATOR or CHOICE)
await_retrace(3G) - wait for vertical retrace on raster scanning devices.
awk(1) - pattern-directed scanning and processing language
background_color, background_color_index(3G) - set background color by color table index or color value for painting by clear_view_surface
backup(1M) - backup or archive file system
bank_switch(3G) - set graphics bank for multiple-byte-per-pixel frame buffers
banner(1) - make posters in large letters
basename, dirname(1) - extract portions of path names
bc(1) - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language
bdf(1M) - report number of free disk blocks (Berkeley version)
bdftopcf(1) - convert font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format
bdiff(1) - diff for large files
bezier_knots, default_knots, u_knot_vector, v_knot_vector(3G) - define knot vector(s) for drawing subsequent space curves or surfaces
bfs(1) - big file scanner
bif(4) - Bell Interchange Format utilities
bifchmod(1) - change mode of a BIF file
bifchown, bifchgrp(1) - change file owner or group
bifcp(1) - copy to or from BIF files
bifdf(1M) - report number of free disk blocks
biffind(1) - find files in a BIF system
biffsck(1M) - Bell file system consistency check and interactive repair
biffsdb(1M) - Bell file system debugger
bifls(1) - list contents of BIF directories
bifmkdir(1) - make a BIF directory
bifmkfs(1M) - construct a Bell file system
bifrm, bifrmdir(1) - remove BIF files or directories
bind(2) - bind an address to a socket
bindresvport( ) - bind socket to privileged IP port
bitmap(1) - bitmap editor for the X Window System
bitmap_print, dcbitmap_print, intbitmap_print(3G) - print bitmap contents on a raster printer
bitmap_to_file, dcbitmap_to_file, intbitmap_to_file(3G) - copy bitmap contents to a bitmap file
blas(3X) - Basic Vector Operations
blas2, blas3(3X) - Basic Matrix Operations
blmode(7) - terminal block mode interface
block_move, dcblock_move, intblock_move(3G) - frame buffer to frame buffer copy procedure.
block_read, dcblock_read, intblock_read(3G) - frame buffer to main memory block transfer procedure.
block_write, dcblock_write, intblock_write(3G) - main memory to frame buffer block transfer procedure.
blopen( ) - terminal block-mode library interface
boot(1M) - bootstrap process
bootpd(1M) - Internet Boot Protocol server
bootpquery(1M) - send BOOTREQUEST to BOOTP server
brc, bcheckrc, mirrorrc, rc, powerfail(1M) - system initialization shell scripts
brk, sbrk(2) - change data segment space allocation
brushtopbm(1) - convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
bs(1) - a compiler/interpreter for modest-sized programs
bsearch( ) - binary search a sorted table
buffer_mode(3G) - set buffering mode for output primitives.
buildlang(1M) - generate and display locale.def file
cachectl( ) - flush and/or purge the cache
cal(1) - print calendar
calendar( ) - return the MPE calendar date
calendar(1) - reminder service
call_segment(3G) - insert a call to a segment into the currently open segment
captoinfo(1M) - convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
cat(1) - concatenate, copy, and print files
catgetmsg( ) - get message from a message catalog
catgets( ) - get a program message
catman(1M) - create the cat files for the manual
catopen( ) - open and close a message catalog for reading
catread( ) - MPE/RTE-style message catalog support
cb(1) - C program beautifier, formatter
cc, c89(1) - C compiler
ccck(1M) - HP Cluster configuration file checker
cd(1) - change working directory
cdb, fdb, pdb(1) - C, C++, FORTRAN, Pascal symbolic debugger
cdc(1) - change the delta commentary of an SCCS delta
cdf(4) - context dependent files
cdfs(4) - format of CDFS file system volume
cdfsdir(4) - format of CDFS directories
cdnode(4) - format of a CDFS cdnode
cdrom(4) - CD-ROM background information
cent(7) - Centronics-compatible interface
cfgetospeed( ) - tty baud rate functions
cflow(1) - generate C flow graph
cgm_to_starbase(3G) - interpret a cgm picture
chacl(1) - add, modify, delete, copy, or summarize access control lists (ACLs) of files
change_segment_references(3G) - change segment-referencing elements to reference a different segment
character_expansion_factor(3G) - set character cell height-to-width ratio.
character_height, dccharacter_height, intcharacter_height(3G) - set character height.
character_slant(3G) - specify character slant
character_width, dccharacter_width, intcharacter_width(3G) - specify character width
chargefee, ckpacct, dodisk, lastlogin, monacct, nulladm, prctmp, prdaily, prtacct, shutacct, startup, turnacct(1M) - shell procedures for accounting
charmap(4) - symbolic translation file for localedef scripts
chatr(1) - change program's internal attributes
chdir(3F) - change default directory
chdir, fchdir(2) - change working directory
checklist(4) - static information about the file systems
checknr(1) - check nroff/troff files
chfn(1) - change finger entry
chksnmpd(1) - check connectivity with the SNMP agent
chmod(1) - change file mode
chmod(3F) - change mode of a file
chmod, fchmod(2) - change access mode of file
chown, chgrp(1) - change file owner or group
chown, fchown(2) - change owner and group of a file
chownacl( ) - change owner and/or group represented in a file's access control list (ACL)
chroot(1M) - change root directory for a command
chroot(2) - change root directory
chsh(1) - change default login shell
ci(1) - check in RCS revisions
cinfo(4F) - remote facsimile machine control parameters database
clear(1) - clear terminal screen
clear_control(3G) - select type of clearing for subsequent clear_view_surface procedures
clear_view_surface(3G) - set all or part of physical view surface to background_color
clearenv(3C) - clear the process environment
clip_depth(3G) - define front and back clipping planes
clip_indicator(3G) - enable/disable clipping to clip rectangle and virtual device coordinate extent
clip_rectangle, intclip_rectangle(3G) - define current clip rectangle boundaries
clock( ) - report CPU time used
clock( ) - return the MPE clock value
close(2) - close a file descriptor
close_segment(3G) - close the currently open segment
clri(1M) - clear inode
clrsvc(1M) - clear x25 switched virtual circuit
cluster(1M) - allocate resources for clustered operation
clusterconf(4) - HP Cluster configuration file, cluster.h
cmp(1) - compare two files
cmuwmtopbm(1) - convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
cnodeid(2) - get the cnode ID of the local machine
cnodes(1) - display information about specified cluster nodes
cnodes(2) - get a list of active nodes in cluster
co(1) - check out RCS revisions
col(1) - filter reverse line-feeds and backspaces
collate8(4) - collating sequence table for languages with 8-bit character sets
comb(1) - combine SCCS deltas
comm(1) - select or reject lines common to two sorted files
command(1) - execute a simple command
compact, uncompact, ccat(1) - compact and uncompact files, and cat them
compile( ) - regular expression compile and match routines
compress, uncompress, zcat, compressdir, uncompressdir(1) - compress and expand data
concat_matrix, intconcat_matrix2d(3G) - multiply two matrices and return the resulting matrix
concat_transformation2d, concat_transformation3d, intconcat_transform2d(3G) - pre-concatenate or post-concatenate user-supplied transformation matrix with current transformation matrix
cond_call_segment(3G) - insert a conditional segment call element into the currently open segment
cond_execute_segment(3G) - insert a conditional segment execution element into the currently open segment
cond_return(3G) - insert a conditional return element into the currently open segment
config(1M) - configure an HP-UX system
confstr( ) - get string-valued configuration values
connect(2) - initiate a connection on a socket
console(7) - system console interface
context(5) - process context
contour_enable(3G) - enable/disable contouring and set contouring type
convertfs(1M) - convert a file system to allow long file names
copy_segment(3G) - copy contents of the specified segment into the currently open segment
copysign( ) - exponent manipulations
core(4) - format of core image file
cp(1) - copy files and directory subtrees
cpacl( ) - copy the access control list (ACL) and mode bits from one file to another
cpio(1) - copy file archives in and out
cpio(4) - format of cpio archive
cpp(1) - the C language preprocessor
cpset(1M) - install object files in binary directories
creat(2) - create a new file or rewrite an existing one
cron(1M) - clock daemon
crontab(1) - user crontab file
crt0.o, gcrt0.o, mcrt0.o, frt0.o, gfrt0.o, mfrt0.o(3) - execution startup routines
crypt(1) - encode/decode files
crypt, setkey, encrypt(3C) - generate hashing encryption
csh(1) - a shell (command interpreter) with C-like syntax
csp(1M) - create cluster server processes
csplit(1) - context split
cstm(1M) - Command line interface to the Support Tool Manager
ct(1) - spawn getty to a remote terminal (call terminal)
ct(7) - Command-Set 80 (CS/80) cartridge tape access
ctags(1) - create a tags file
ctermid( ) - generate file name for terminal
ctime( ) - convert date and time to string
cu(1) - call another (UNIX) system; terminal emulator
cue(1) - HP Character-Terminal User Environment (CUE)
cuegetty(1M) - set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline for cue (1)
cuegetty(1M) - set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline for cue (1)
curses( ) - CRT screen handling and optimization package
curve_resolution(3G) - set resolution for splines and arcs
cuserid( ) - get character login name of the user
cut(1) - cut out (extract) selected fields of each line of a file
cvtnum( ) - convert string to floating point number
cxref(1) - generate C program cross-reference
datalock( ) - lock process into memory after allocating data and stack space
date(1) - print or set the date and time
datebook(1) - calendar and reminder program for X11
datebook(4) - event file format
datio(1) - backup to and restore files from DAT tape devices
dbm_open, dbm_close, dbm_fetch, dbm_store, dbm_delete, dbm_firstkey, dbm_nextkey, dbm_error, dbm_clearerr(3X) - database subroutines
dbminit, fetch, store, delete, firstkey, nextkey, dbmclose(3X) - database subroutines
dbmonth(1) - datebook monthly calendar formatter for postscript printers
dbuffer_switch(3G) - switch buffers when double-buffering
dbweek(1) - datebook weekly calendar formatter for postscript printers
dc(1) - desk calculator
dc_to_vdc(3G) - transform device coordinate point into virtual device coordinate point using the inverse of the current VDC-to-DC transformation.
dccircle, intcircle, intpartial_circle(3G) - define a circular region to be filled and/or edged. (See ellipse(3G) for floating point circle information.)
dcopy(1M) - copy file system with compaction.
dcpartial_polygon, dcpolygon, intpartial_polygon2d, intpolygon2d, partial_polygon2d, partial_polygon3d, polygon2d, polygon3d, partial_polygon_with_data3d, polygon_with_data3d(3G) - defines a polygonal region to be filled and/or edged, or defines a group of polygon vertices that begins as subpolygon or non-edged boundary.
dcpolycircle, intpolycircle(3G) - define circular regions to be filled and/or edged
dcpolyrectangle, intpolyrectangle(3G) - define rectangular regions to be filled and/or edged
dcrectangle, intrectangle, rectangle(3G) - define rectangular region to be filled and/or edged
dd(1) - convert, reblock, translate, and copy a (tape) file
ddfa(7) - HP DTC Device File Access software
define_color_table(3G) - set the color values in the device color table
define_contour_table(3G) - specify the scalar contour value to R,G,B color mapping for contouring
define_raster_echo(3G) - define a raster echo to be used on an output device.
define_texture(3G) - specify the values for an individual texture map
define_trimming_curve(3G) - define a spline-trimming curve
deformation_mode(3G) - select the deformation mode to use and a deformation factor
delete_eles(3G) - delete elements from the currently open segment
delete_segment, delete_all_segments, delete_segment_and_references(3G) - delete from a display list a segment, all segments, or a segment and all references to it
delta(1) - make a delta (change) to an SCCS file
depth_cue(3G) - enable/disable depth cueing of output primitives
depth_cue_color, depth_cue_color_index(3G) - set color for depth cuing
depth_cue_range(3G) - set range for depth cuing
depth_indicator(3G) - enable/disable clipping to front and back clipping planes.
deroff(1) - remove nroff, tbl, and neqn constructs
designate_character_set(3G) - associate a G-set with a character set.
devices(4) - file of driver information for insf, mksf, lssf
devnm(1M) - device name
devnm(3) - map device ID to file path
df(1M) - report number of free disk blocks
diag0(7) - diagnostic interface to I/O subsystem
diaginit, diagmon, demlog, memlogp(1M) - Online diagnostic system
dial( ) - establish an out-going terminal line connection
dialtest(1M) - FlexFAX dial string processing rules test program
dialups, d_passwd(4) - dialup security control
diff(1) - differential file and directory comparator
diff3(1) - 3-way differential file comparison
diffmk(1) - mark differences between files
dir(4) - format of directories on short-name HFS file systems
dircmp(1) - directory comparison
dirent.h(5) - format of directory streams and directory entries
disable_events(3G) - disable events queuing from specified graphics input device
disk(7) - direct disk access
diskinfo(1M) - describe characteristics of a disk device
disksecn(1M) - calculate default disk section sizes
disktab(4) - disk description file
diskusg(1M) - generate disk accounting data by user ID
display_element(3G) - display current element on the specified graphics display device
display_enable(3G) - select which planes of a raster device are to be displayed
display_segment, display_segment_hsr(3G) - display a segment network on the specified graphics display device
div( ) - integer division and remainder
dl_control(3G) - control optional display list functionality
dl_label(3G) - insert a display list label into the currently open segment - dynamic loader
dmesg(1M) - collect system diagnostic messages to form error log
domainname(1) - set or display name of Network Information Service domain
dos2ux, ux2dos(1) - convert ASCII file format
doschmod(1) - change attributes of a DOS file
doscp(1) - copy to or from DOS files
dosdf(1) - report number of free disk clusters
dosif(4) - DOS Interchange Format description
dosls, dosll(1) - list contents of DOS directories
dosmkdir(1) - make a DOS directory
dosrm, dosrmdir(1) - remove DOS files or directories
dp(4) - dedicated ports file, used by DDFA and DTC port ID
dpp(1M) - dedicated ports parser, used by DDFA software
dr_vue (1) - diagnose and report on the HP VUE environment
drand48( ) - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
draw2d, draw3d, dcdraw, intdraw2d(3G) - draw line from current to specified pen position
drawing_mode(3G) - select the pixel replacement rules for subsequent raster operations and output primitives.
drm_admin(1M) - Data Replication Manager administrative tool
du(1) - summarize disk usage
dump, rdump(1M) - incremental file system dump, local or across network
dumpfs(1M) - dump file system information
dup(2) - duplicate an open file descriptor
dup2(2) - duplicate an open file descriptor to a specific slot
ecclogger, eccscrub(1M) - check for or scrub out ECC memory errors
echo(1) - echo (print) arguments
echo_type, dcecho_type, intecho_type2d(3G) - change the type of echo being used on an output device.
echo_update, dcecho_update, intecho_update2d(3G) - change output device's echo position
ecvt( ) - convert floating-point number to string
ed, red(1) - text editor
edquota(1M) - edit user disk quotas
eisa_config(1M) - EISA configuration tool
ele_control(3G) - set or clear element control flags for the current element of the currently open segment
ellipse, partial_ellipse(3G) - define an elliptical region to be filled and/or edged.
elm(1) - process mail through screen-oriented interface
elmalias(1) - create and verify elm user and system aliases
emacs(1) - GNU project Emacs
enable, disable(1) - enable/disable LP printers
enable_events(3G) - enable queuing of events from the named input device
end, etext, edata(3C) - last locations in program
env(1) - set environment for command execution
envd(1M) - system physical environment daemon
environ(5) - user environment
erf, erfc(3M) - error function and complementary error function
errno(2) - error indicator for function calls
error_$c_get_text(3) - return subsystem, module, and error texts for a status code
error_$c_text(3) - return an error message for a status code
error_$intro(3) - error text database operations
et(1) - Datebook weekly calendar formatter for laserjet printers
etime, dtime(3F) - return elapsed execution time
ex, edit(1) - extended line-oriented text editor
execl, execv, execle, execve, execlp, execvp(2) - execute a file
execute_segment(3G) - add a segment execution element into the open segment
exit, _exit(2) - terminate process
exp, log, log10, log2, pow, sqrt, cbrt(3M) - exponential, logarithm, power, square root, cube root functions
expand, unexpand(1) - expand tabs to spaces, and vice versa
exportent( ) - access exported file system information
exportfs(1M) - export and unexport directories to NFS clients
exports, xtab(4) - directories to export to NFS clients
expr(1) - evaluate arguments as an expression
expreserve(1) - preserve editor buffer
extendfs(1M) - extend file system size
f77, fort77(1) - FORTRAN 77 compiler
fa(3w) - summary of fast alpha library routines
faclear(3w) - clear the window area specified by the given rectangle
facolors(3w) - set the fast alpha font foreground and background colors
factor, primes(1) - factor a number, generate large primes
facursor(3w) - control the displayed cursor
fafontactivate(3w) - activate a fast alpha font
fafontload(3w) - load a font into the user's font cache and prepare it for activation
fafontremove(3w) - remove a font from the user's font cache
fagetinfo(3w) - get information about the fast alpha environment
fainit(3w) - prepare a fast alpha window device for output, and set up all defaults
farectwrite(3w) - fill an area of the window with the specified character
faroll(3w) - roll a portion of the window
fasetinfo(3w) - set information about the fast alpha environment
faterminate(3w) - terminate the current fast alpha environment
fawrite(3w) - write a line of characters with their enhancements
faxaddmodem(1M) - configure a facsimile modem for use with FlexFAX
faxanswer(1M) - tell facsimile server to answer the telephone
faxd(1M) - facsimile server
faxd.recv(1M) - facsimile job submission server
faxquit(1M) - tell facsimile server to terminate
faxrcvd(1M) - FlexFAX notification script for received facsimile
fbackup(1M) - selectively back up files
fclose( ) - close or flush a stream
fcntl(2) - file control
fcntl(5) - file control options
fdate(3F) - return date and time in an ASCII string
fddiinit(1M) - initialize FDDI network interface; connect to FDDI network
fddinet(1M) - display logical FDDI ring map information
fddisetup(1M) - initialize and connect all system FDDI network interfaces
fddistat(1M) - show FDDI interface status
fddistop(1M) - stop and reset the FDDI interface
ferror( ) - stream status inquiries
ff(1M) - list file names and statistics for a file system
fgetpos( ) - save and restore a file position indicator for a stream
fgetws( ) - get a wide character string from a stream file
file(1) - determine file type
file_print(3G) - print bitmap file contents on a raster printer
file_to_bitmap, file_to_dcbitmap, file_to_intbitmap(3G) - copy bitmap file contents into a frame buffer
fileno( ) - map stream pointer to file descriptor
fill_color, fill_color_index, bf_fill_color, bf_fill_color_index(3G) - set color for filled areas on raster devices
fill_dither(3G) - set color value for filled areas on raster devices.
find(1) - find files
findmsg, dumpmsg(1) - create message catalog file for modification
findstr(1) - find strings for inclusion in message catalogs
finger(1) - user information lookup program
fingerd(1M) - remote user information server
firstof2( ) - tools to process 16-bit characters
fitstopgm(1) - convert a FITS file into a portable graymap
fixman(1) - fix manual pages for faster viewing with man(1)
floor, ceil, fmod, fabs, rint, fabsf, fmodf(3M) - floor, ceiling, remainder, absolute value, and round-to-nearest functions
floppy(7) - direct flexible or ``floppy'' disk access
flush_buffer(3G) - output buffered primitives to display and return without waiting for display hardware to finish
flush_matrices(3G) - flush matrix stack; reset viewing transformation matrix
fm_activate(3w) - make a font active
fm_clipflag(3w) - set clipping flag
fm_cliplim(3w) - set clip limits
fm_colors(3w) - set active font's foreground and background colors
fm_fileinfo(3w) - return the size of cells in a font file
fm_fontdir(3w) - set character direction
fm_getname(3w) - translate font id to filename
fm_load(3w) - load a font into memory
fm_opt(3w) - optimize character generation if possible
fm_rasterinfo(3w) - return the size of cells in a font
fm_remove(3w) - remove a font
fm_sixteen_bit(3w) - set sixteen bit flag
fm_str_len(3w) - determine the pixel length of a character string
fm_styleinto(3w) - return style information about a font
fm_write(3w) - write characters to the screen
fnmatch( ) - match filename patterns
fold(1) - fold long lines for finite width output device
fontm(3w) - summary of font manager library routines
fopen( ) - open or re-open a stream file; convert file to stream
forder(1) - convert file data order
fork(2) - create a new process
fork(3F) - create a copy of this process
fpclassify( ) - floating-point operand classification functions
fpgetround( ) - floating-point mode-control functions
fpkg(1M) - file packaging utility for use with update (1m)
fputws( ) - put a wide character string on a stream file
framebuf(7) - information for raster frame-buffer devices
fread( ) - buffered binary input/output to a stream file
frecover(1M) - selectively recover files
freeze(1M) - freeze sendmail configuration file on a cluster
frexp( ) - split floating-point into mantissa and exponent
from(1) - who is my mail from?
fs(1) - X font server
fs(4) - format of file system volume
fsck(1M) - file system consistency check and interactive repair
fsclean(1M) - determine shutdown status of specified file system
fsctl(2) - file system control
fsdb(1M) - file system debugger
fseek( ) - reposition a file pointer in a stream
fseek, ftell(3F) - reposition a file on a logical unit
fsirand(1M) - install random inode generation numbers
fspec(4) - format specification in text files
fsplit(1) - split f77, ratfor, or efl files
fstab(4) - static information about the file systems
fstopgm(1) - convert a Usenix FaceSaver(tm) file into a portable graymap
fsync(2) - synchronize a file's in-core state with its state on disk
ftime(2) - get date and time more precisely
ftio(1) - faster tape I/O
ftok( ) - standard interprocess communication package
ftp(1) - file transfer program
ftpd(1M) - DARPA Internet File Transfer Protocol server
ftpusers(4) - security file for ftpd (1M)
ftpusers(4) - security file for ftpd (1M)
ftw, ftwh, nftw, nftwh(3C) - walk a file tree
fuser, cfuser(1M) - list process IDs of all processes that have file open
fwtmp, wtmpfix(1M) - manipulate connect accounting records
g3topbm(1) - convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
gamma( ) - log gamma function
gated(1M) - gateway routing daemon
gated.conf(4) - gated configuration file syntax
gclose(3G) - close I/O path and release all resources assigned to specified graphics device
gemtopbm(1) - convert a GEM .img file into a portable bitmap
gencat(1) - generate a formatted message catalog file
gerr_control(3G) - control the handling of a graphics error.
gescape(3G) - input or output to device in a device-dependent manner
get(1) - get a version of an SCCS file
getaccess(1) - list access rights to file(s)
getaccess(2) - get a user's effective access rights to a file
getacl, fgetacl(2) - get access control list (ACL) information
getarg, iargc(3F) - return command line arguments
getaudid(2) - get the audit ID (aid) for the current process
getaudproc(2) - get the audit process flag for the calling process
getc( ) - get character or word from a stream file
getc, fgetc(3F) - get a character from a logical unit
getccent( ) - get HP Cluster configuration entry
getcdf( ) - manipulate CDF path names
getclock(3C) - get current value of system-wide clock
getconf(1) - get system configuration values
getcontext(1) - display current context
getcontext(2) - return process context for context-dependent file search
getcwd( ) - get pathname of current working directory
getcwd(3F) - get pathname of current working directory
getdate( ) - convert user format date and time
getdirentries(2) - get entries from a directory in a filesystem-independent format
getdiskbyname( ) - get disk description by its name
getdomainname, setdomainname(2) - get/set name of current Network Information Service domain
getenv( ) - return value for environment name
getenv(3F) - get value of environment variables
getevent(2) - get events and system calls that are currently being audited
getfh(2) - return file handle for file on remote node
getfsent( ) - get file system descriptor file entry
getgrent( ) - get group file entry
getgroups(2) - get group access list
gethostent( ) - get network host entry
gethostname(2) - get name of current host
getitimer, setitimer(2) - get/set value of interval timer
getlog(3F) - get user's login name
getlogin( ) - get login name
getmntent( ) - get file system descriptor file entry
getnetent( ) - get network entry
getnetgrent( ) - get network group entry
getopt( ) - get option letter from argument vector
getopt(1) - parse command options
getopts(1) - parse utility (command) options
getpass( ) - read a password
getpeername(2) - get address of connected peer
getpid(3F) - get process id
getpid, getpgrp, getppid, getpgrp2(2) - get process, process group, and parent process ID
getpriority, setpriority(2) - get and set process priorities
getprivgrp(1) - get special attributes for group
getprivgrp, setprivgrp(2) - get and set special attributes for group
getprotoent( ) - get protocol entry
getpw( ) - get name from UID
getpwent( ) - get password file entry
getrlimit, setrlimit(2) - control consumption of system resources
getrpcent( ) - get rpc entry
getrpcport( ) - get RPC port number
gets( ) - get a string from a stream
getservent( ) - get service entry
getsockname(2) - get socket address
getsockopt, setsockopt(2) - get and set options on sockets
getspwent( ) - get secure password file entry
getsubopt( ) - parse suboptions from a string.
gettimeofday, settimeofday(2) - get/set date and time
gettimer(3C) - get value of a per-process timer
getty(1M) - set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline
gettydefs(4) - speed and terminal settings used by getty
getuid, geteuid, getgid, getegid(2) - get real user, effective user, real group, and effective group IDs
getuid, getgid(3F) - get user or group ID of the caller
getusershell( ) - get legal user shells
getutent( ) - access utmp file entry
getwc( ) - get a wide character from a stream file
getx25(1M) - get x25 line
giftoppm(1) - convert a GIF file into a portable pixmap
glance(1) - GlancePlus System performance monitor for HP-UX
glb_obj.txt(4) - file specifying the object UUID of the Global Location Broker
glb_site.txt(4) - file listing possible Global Location Broker sites
glbd(1M) - Global Location Broker Daemon
glob( ) - file name generation function
gnuplot(1) - an interactive plotting program
gopen(3G) - open I/O path to, create environment for, and initialize graphics device
gopher(1) - connect to gopher document server
gopherd.conf(1) - configuration file for gopherd(8)
gouldtoppm(1) - convert Gould scanner file into a portable pixmap
gperf(1) - generate a perfect hash function from a key set
gpio(7) - general-purpose I/O interface
gpio_get_status(3I) - return status lines of GPIO card
gpio_set_ctl(3I) - set control lines on GPIO card
gpm GlancePlus(1) - Motif mode
gprof(1) - display call graph profile data
graphics(7) - information for CRT graphics devices
grep, egrep, fgrep(1) - search a file for a pattern
grmd(1M) - graphics resource manager daemon
group, logingroup(4) - group file, grp.h
groups(1) - show group memberships
gs(1) - Ghostscript version 2.6 interpreter/previewer
gwind(1M) - graphics window daemon
gwindstop(1) - terminate the window helper facility
gzexe(1) - compress executable files in place
gzip, gunzip, zcat(1) - compress or expand files
h2ph(1) - convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files
hatch_orientation(3G) - specify hatch line orientation
hatch_spacing, inthatch_spacing(3G) - specify spacing between hatch lines
hatch_type(3G) - specify type of hatching to be done
head(1) - give first few lines
help(1) - ask for help
helpgen(1) - The Help Family Collector.
helptag(1) - Driver program to process "HP Help System" documents
hidden_surface(3G) - enable/disable hidden surface removal
hier(5) - file system hierarchy
highlight_attributes, highlight_color, highlight_color_index, highlight_on, highlight_type(3G) - specify highlighting color, style, and attributes
hil(7) - HP-HIL device driver
hilkbd(7) - HP-HIL mapped keyboard driver
hipstopgm(1) - convert a HIPS file into a portable graymap
hostname(1) - set or print name of current host system
hostname(5) - host name resolution description
hostnm(3F) - get name of current host
hosts(4) - host name data base
hosts(4F) - host name data base
hosts.equiv, .rhosts(4) - security files authorizing remote hosts and users on local host
hosts_to_named(1M) - Translate host table to name server file format
hp(1) - handle special functions of HP 2640 and HP 2621-series terminals
hp9000s200, hp9000s300, hp9000s500, hp9000s800, pdp11, u3b, u3b5, vax(1) - provide truth value about your processor type
hpib(7) - Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus driver
hpib_abort( ) - stop activity on specified HP-IB bus
hpib_address_ctl( ) - set the HP-IB bus address for an interface
hpib_atn_ctl( ) - control the Attention line on HP-IB
hpib_bus_status( ) - return status of HP-IB interface
hpib_card_ppoll_resp( ) - control response to parallel poll on HP-IB
hpib_eoi_ctl( ) - control EOI mode for HP-IB file
hpib_io( ) - perform I/O with an HP-IB channel from buffers
hpib_parity_ctl( ) - enable/disable odd parity on ATN commands
hpib_pass_ctl( ) - change active controllers on HP-IB
hpib_ppoll( ) - conduct parallel poll on HP-IB bus
hpib_ppoll_resp_ctl( ) - define interface parallel poll response
hpib_ren_ctl( ) - control the Remote Enable line on HP-IB
hpib_rqst_srvce( ) - allow interface to enable SRQ line on HP-IB
hpib_send_cmnd( ) - send command bytes over HP-IB
hpib_spoll( ) - conduct a serial poll on HP-IB bus
hpib_status_wait( ) - wait until the requested status condition becomes true
hpib_wait_on_ppoll( ) - wait until a particular parallel poll value occurs
hpnls(5) - HP Native Language Support (NLS) Model
hpux(1M) - HP-UX bootstrap and installation utility
hpux(1M) - HP-UX bootstrap utility
hsearch( ) - manage hash search tables
htonl( ) - convert values between host and network byte order
hyphen(1) - find hyphenated words
hypot( ) - Euclidean distance function, complex absolute value
icontopbm(1) - convert a Sun icon into a portable bitmap
iconv(1) - code set conversion
iconvsize, iconvopen, iconvclose, iconvlock, ICONV, ICONV1, ICONV2(3C) - code set conversion routines
id(1) - print user and group IDs and names
idate, itime(3F) - return date or time in numerical form
ident(1) - identify files in RCS
ied(1) - input editor and command history for interactive programs
ifconfig(1M) - configure network interface parameters
ilbmtoppm(1) - convert IFF ILBM file into a portable pixmap
imageview(1) - display bit-mapped image files on an X11 display
imake(1) - C preprocessor interface to the make utility
imgtoppm(1) - convert an Img-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
inet(7F) - Internet protocol family
inet_addr( ) - Internet address manipulation routines
inetd(1M) - Internet services daemon
inetd.conf(4) - configuration file for inetd
inetd.sec(4) - optional security file for inetd
info(4F) - remote facsimile machine capability database
init, telinit(1M) - process control initialization
initgroups( ) - initialize group access list
initiate_request(3G) - start request process without waiting for result
initopt( ) - initialize a NetIPC option buffer
inittab(4) - script for the init process
inode(4) - format of an inode
inq_application_data, inq_application_data_size(3G) - return information about application data in the current element of the currently open segment
inq_called_segno(3G) - return the number of the segment referenced by the current element
inq_calling_segment_list, inq_calling_segment_count(3G) - return information about segments that call a given segment
inq_cond_index(3G) - inquire the current value of a condition index
inq_content_sizes, inq_content(3G) - return information about the parameters of the current element of the currently open segment
inq_ele_control(3G) - return information about the element control flags of the current element of the currently open segment.
inq_ele_ptr, inq_ele_ptr_at_bound(3G) - return information about element pointer position within the currently open segment
inq_ele_size, inq_ele(3G) - inquire the size and contents of the current element
inq_ele_type(3G) - return the type of the current element in the currently open segment
inq_extent_info(3G) - inquire supplementary information about an extent test
inq_highlighting_filter_sizes, inq_highlighting_filter(3G) - return information about the current highlighting filter
inq_invisibility_filter_sizes, inq_invisibility_filter(3G) - return information about the current invisibility filter
inq_nameset_size, inq_nameset(3G) - return information about the current active name set
inq_num_refs(3G) - return number of references to specified segment
inq_open_segment(3G) - return information about the currently open segment
inq_pick_depth, set_pick_depth(3G) - inquire/define pick-depth for pick_from_segment and hit_mode
inq_pick_filter_sizes, inq_pick_filter(3G) - return information about the current pick filter
inq_pick_path, inq_pick_path_depth(3G) - return the path to a picked primitive
inq_seg_control(3G) - return information about the segment control flags of a segment.
inq_segment_count, inq_segment_list, inq_segment_exists(3G) - return information about segments in specified display list
inq_traversal_depth(3G) - return maximum depth of display list traversal
inquire_cgm(3G) - inquire picture information from a cgm
inquire_color_table(3G) - return current color table settings for specified graphic device
inquire_device_driver(3G) - return the name of the Starbase driver to use for a given device file.
inquire_display_mode(3G) - return the current configuration for the display.
inquire_fb_configuration(3G) - inquire the memory configuration of the frame buffer
inquire_file(3G) - inquire the header information for a bitmap file
inquire_gerror(3G) - return information on the most recent graphics error
inquire_hit, set_hit_mode(3G) - inquire status of hit testing; enable/disable hit detection
inquire_id(3G) - return a unique device identifier and device-dependent information
inquire_input_capabilities(3G) - inquire capabilities of physical input device specified by fildes
inquire_request_status(3G) - inquire status of a request to an input device
inquire_sizes(3G) - return device physical limits, resolution, (p1,p2) and color map size
inquire_text_extent, intinquire_text_extent2d(3G) - return text-extent rectangle coordinates
insertmsg(1) - use findstr(1) output to insert calls to catgets(3C)
insertmsg(1) - use findstr(1) output to insert calls to catgets(3C)
insf(1M) - install special files
install(1M) - install commands
instl_adm(1M) - maintain network install message and default parameters
instl_bootd(1M) - boot protocol server for clients
interior_style, bf_interior_style(3G) - select fill type and boundary visibility for subsequent filled area primitives and back-facing polygons
interpret_ele(3G) - process an inquired display list element
intinquire_current_position2d, inquire_current_position2d, inquire_current_position3d(3G) - return the current pen position.
intra_character_space(3G) - specify spacing between character cells
intro(1) - introduction to command utilities and application programs
intro(1M) - introduction to system maintenance commands and application programs
intro(2) - introduction to system calls
intro(3) - introduction to subroutines and libraries
intro(3F) - introduction to FORTRAN library functions
intro(4) - introduction to file formats
intro(5) - introduction to miscellany
intro(7) - introduction to special files
intsample_locator2d, sample_locator(3G) - return current locator value
intset_pick_window, intinquire_pick_window, inq_pick_window, set_pick_window(3G) - define pick window for pick_from_segment and hit_mode
inttext2d, text2d, text3d, dctext(3G) - output a string of characters.
inttext_orientation2d, text_orientation2d, text_orientation3d(3G) - specify text orientation.
inttransform_point2d, transform_point, transform_points(3G) - transform a point or points from one coordinate system to another
intvdc_extent, vdc_extent(3G) - define logical region of interest (window) for subsequent output primitives
intview_matrix2d, view_matrix2d, view_matrix3d(3G) - define a viewing transformation matrix
intview_port, view_port(3G) - define mapping area on view_surface for subsequent view_window , view_volume , and view_camera calls
intview_window, view_window(3G) - define a 2-D viewing transformation matrix using a window/viewport model
io_burst( ) - perform low-overhead I/O on an HP-IB/GPIO channel
io_dma_ctl( ) - control DMA allocation for an interface
io_eol_ctl( ) - set up read termination character on special file
io_get_term_reason( ) - determine how last read terminated
io_interrupt_ctl( ) - enable/disable interrupts for the associated eid
io_lock, io_unlock(3I) - lock and unlock an interface
io_on_interrupt( ) - device interrupt (fault) control
io_reset( ) - reset an I/O interface
io_speed_ctl( ) - inform system of required transfer speed
io_timeout_ctl( ) - establish a time limit for I/O operations
io_width_ctl(3I) - set width of data path
ioctl(2) - control device
ioctl(5) - generic device control commands
ioinit(1M) - initialize I/O system
iomap(7) - physical address mapping
ioscan(1M) - scan I/O system
iostat(1) - report I/O statistics
ipcconnect(2) - initiate a connection to another process
ipccontrol(2) - perform special operations on a NetIPC socket
ipccreate(2) - create a call socket
ipcdest(2) - create a NetIPC destination descriptor
ipcerrmsg( ) - provide text describing a NetIPC error number
ipcgetnodename(2) - obtain NetIPC node name of current host
ipclookup(2) - obtain a NetIPC destination descriptor
ipcname(2) - associate a name with a call socket or destination descriptor
ipcnamerase(2) - delete a name associated with a NetIPC call socket or destination descriptor
ipcrecv(2) - establish an NetIPC virtual circuit connection or receive data on an established connection
ipcrecvcn(2) - receive a connection on a call socket
ipcrm(1) - remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id
ipcs(1) - report inter-process communication facilities status
ipcselect(2) - determine status of NetIPC socket
ipcsend(2) - send data on a NetIPC socket
ipcsetnodename(2) - set NetIPC node name of host CPU
ipcshutdown(2) - release a NetIPC descriptor
is_68010_present( ) - check for presence of hardware capabilities
isalpha( ) - classify characters
isamax, idamax, iiamax, icamax, izamax(3X) - index of the element of a vector of maximum magnitude
isinf( ) - test for INFINITY functions
isl(1M) - initial system loader
isnan( ) - test for NaN functions
isql(1) - ALLBASE/SQL interactive SQL interface
issue(4) - issue identification file
iswalpha( ) - classify wide characters
itemap(1M) - Load an ITE (Internal Terminal Emulator) keyboard mapping.
j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn(3M) - Bessel functions
join(1) - relational database operator
kaleid(1) - X11 Kaleidoscope Display
kermit(1) - kermit file transfer
keysh(1) - context-sensitive softkey shell
kill(1) - terminate a process
kill(3F) - send a signal to a process
kill, raise(2) - send a signal to a process or a group of processes
killall(1M) - kill all active processes
killpg, getpgrp, setpgrp, sigvec, signal(2) - 4.2 BSD-compatible process control facilities
ksh, rksh(1) - shell, the standard/restricted command programming language
l3tol( ) - convert between 3-byte integers and long integers
lan(7) - network I/O card access information
lanconfig(1M) - configure network interface parameters
landiag(1M) - local area network diagnostic
lang(5) - description of supported languages
langinfo( ) - NLS information about native languages
langinfo(5) - language information constants
lanscan(1M) - display LAN device configuration and status
last, lastb(1M) - indicate last logins of users and ttys
lastcomm(1) - show last commands executed in reverse order
lb_admin(1M) - Location Broker administrative tool
lb_test(1M) - test the Location Broker
ld(1) - link editor
leave(1) - remind you when you have to leave
lex(1) - generate programs for lexical analysis of text
libpbm(3) - functions to support portable bitmap programs
libpgm(3) - functions to support portable graymap programs
libpnm(3) - functions to support portable anymap programs
libppm(3) - functions to support portable pixmap programs
lif(4) - logical interchange format description
lifcp(1) - copy to or from LIF files
lifinit(1) - write LIF volume header on file
lifls(1) - list contents of a LIF directory
lifrename(1) - rename LIF files
lifrm(1) - remove a LIF file
light_ambient(3G) - define ambient light color
light_attenuation(3G) - define attenuation constants for POSITIONAL light sources
light_model(3G) - modify aspects of POSITIONAL light sources
light_source(3G) - define light source positions and colors
light_switch(3G) - enable/disable light sources
limits(5) - implementation-specific constants
line(1) - read one line from user input
line_color(3G) - select color index or color value for subsequent line primitives.
line_endpoint(3G) - set a line endpoint type and corners for lines with width.
line_filter, perimeter_filter(3G) - select type of anti-aliasing filter for line and polygon primitives
line_repeat_length, intline_repeat_length(3G) - specify line pattern length for line primitives
line_type(3G) - select line type for all subsequent line primitives
line_width, intline_width(3G) - set line width
link(2) - link to a file
link(3F) - make a link to an existing file
link, unlink(1M) - exercise link and unlink system calls
linkloop(1M) - verify LAN connectivity with link-level loopback
lint(1) - a C program checker/verifier
lintfor(1) - FORTRAN inter-procedural checker
lisp(1) - HP Common Lisp environment
lispbench(1) - LISP SoftBench interface tool
lispmtopgm(1) - convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into pgm format
listen(2) - listen for connections on a socket
llbd(1M) - Local Location Broker daemon
ln(1) - link files and directories
loc(3F) - return the address of an object
locale(1) - get locale-specific (NLS) information
localeconv( ) - query the numeric formatting conventions of the current locale
localedef(1M) - generate and display locale.inf file
localedef(4) - format and semantics of input script
lock(1) - reserve a terminal
lockd(1M) - network lock daemon
lockf(2) - provide semaphores and record locking on files
log/*(4F) - session log files
logger(1) - make entries in the system log
login(1) - sign on
logname( ) - return login name of user
logname(1) - get login name
lorder(1) - find ordering relation for an object library
lp(7) - line printer
lp, cancel, lpalt(1) - send/cancel/alter requests to an LP line printer or plotter
lpadmin(1M) - configure the LP spooling system
lpana(1M) - print LP spooler performance analysis information
lpfilter, divpage, fontdl, lprpp, plotdvr, printstat, reverse(1) - filters invoked by lp interface scripts
lpsched, lpshut, lpmove, lpfence(1M) - start/stop the LP request scheduler, move requests, and define the minimum priority for printing
lpstat(1) - print LP status information
lrom(1) - fast, keyword access to HP LaserROM CD-ROM information
ls, l, ll, lsf, lsr, lsx(1) - list contents of directories
ls_admin(1M) - Display and edit the license server database
ls_rpt(1M) - Report on license server events
ls_stat(1M) - Display the status of the license server system
ls_targetid(1M) - Prints information about the local NetLS target id.
ls_tv (1M) - Verify that Network License Servers are working
lsacl(1) - list access control lists (ACLs) of files
lsdev(1M) - list device drivers in the system
lsearch( ) - linear search and update
lseek(2) - move read/write file pointer; seek
lssf(1M) - list a special file
ltostr( ) - convert long integers to strings
lvchange(1M) - change logical volume characteristics
lvcreate(1M) - create a logical volume in a volume group
lvdisplay(1M) - display information about logical volumes
lvextend(1M) - increase number of physical extents allocated to a logical volume
lvlnboot(1M) - prepare a Logical Volume to be a root, primary swap, or dump volume
lvmerge(1M) - merge two logical volumes into one logical volume
lvmmigrate(1M) - prepare root file system for migration from partitions to logical volumes
lvmpvg(4) - store physical volume group information for LVM
lvreduce(1M) - decrease number of physical extents allocated to a logical volume
lvremove(1M) - remove one or more logical volumes from a volume group
lvrmboot(1M) - remove Logical Volume link to root, primary swap, or dump volume
lvsplit(1M) - split a mirrored logical volume into two logical volumes
lvsync(1M) - synchronize stale logical volume mirrors in logical volumes
m4(1) - macro processor
macptopbm(1) - convert a MacPaint file into a portable bitmap
madvise(2) - advise the system of a process' expected paging behavior
magic(4) - magic numbers for HP-UX implementations
mail, rmail(1) - send mail to users or read mail
mailfrom(1) - summarize mail folders by subject and sender
mailstats(1) - print mail traffic statistics
mailx(1) - interactive message processing system
make(1) - maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs
make_X11_gopen_string(3G) - create a path string associated with an existing X window
make_picture_current(3G) - output buffered primitives to display and wait for display hardware to finish
makecdf(1M) - create context-dependent files
makedbm(1M) - make a Network Information System database
makedepend(1) - create dependencies in makefiles
makekey(1) - generate encryption key
malloc( ) - main memory allocator
malloc, free, falloc(3F) - memory allocator
man(1) - find manual information by keywords; print out a manual entry
man(5) - macros for formatting entries in this manual
manuals(5) - Current list of HP-UX documentation
mapping_mode(3G) - define mapping of VDC extent to viewport as either isotropic or anisotropic
marker_color, marker_color_index(3G) - select color for subsequent polymarker primitives
marker_orientation(3G) - define orientation of symbols drawn with marker primitives
marker_size, dcmarker_size(3G) - select polymarker size
marker_type(3G) - select marker type for subsequent marker primitives
master(4) - master device information table
math(5) - math functions and constants
matherr( ) - error-handling function
mblen( ) - multibyte characters and strings conversions
mediainit(1) - initialize disk or cartridge tape media, partition DDS tape
mem, kmem(7) - main memory
memccpy( ) - memory operations
merge(1) - three-way file merge
mesg(1) - permit or deny messages to terminal
mgrtopbm(1) - convert a MGR bitmap into a portable bitmap
midaemon(1) - HP-UX Performance Measurement Interface daemon.
mirror(1M) - disk mirroring utility
mirrorlog(1M) - state-change logger for mirror disk subsystem
mirrortab(4) - mirror disk-log format
mkboot, rmboot(1M) - install, update, or remove boot programs from a disk device
mkdev(1M) - make device files
mkdir(1) - make a directory
mkdir(2) - make a directory file
mkfifo( ) - make a FIFO file
mkfifo(1) - make FIFO (named pipe) special files
mkfontdir(1) - create fonts.dir file from directory of font files
mkfs(1M) - construct a file system
mklost+found(1M) - make a lost+found directory for fsck (1M)
mkmf(1) - make a makefile
mknod(1M) - create special files
mknod, mkrnod(2) - make a directory, or a special or regular file
mknod.h(5) - macros for handling device numbers
mkpdf(1M) - create a Product Description File from a prototype PDF
mkrs(1M) - construct a recovery system
mksf(1M) - make a special file
mkstr(1) - extract error messages from C source into a file
mktemp( ) - make a unique file name
mktemp(1) - make a name for a temporary file
mktimer(3C) - allocate a per-process timer
mm(5) - the MM macro package for formatting documents
mm, osdd(1) - print documents formatted with the mm macros
mmap(2) - map object into virtual memory
mnttab(4) - mounted file system table
model(1) - print detailed hardware model information
model(4) - HP-UX machine identification
modem(7) - asynchronous serial modem line control
monitor( ) - prepare execution profile
more, page(1) - file perusal filter for crt viewing
mosaic(1) - a Motif based World Wide Web browser.
mount( ) - keep track of remotely mounted filesystems
mount(2) - mount a file system
mount, umount(1M) - mount and unmount file system
mountd(1M) - NFS mount request server
move2d, move3d, dcmove, intmove2d(3G) - update current pen position and move physical pen to that location
mpeg_encode(1) - mpeg-1 video stream encoder
mpeg_play(1) - plays mpeg-1 encoded bitstreams using X11
mprotect(2) - modify access protections of memory mapping
msem_init(2) - initialize a semaphore in a mapped file or anonymous memory region
msem_lock(2) - lock a semaphore
msem_remove(2) - remove a semaphore in mapped file or anonymous region
msem_unlock(2) - unlock a semaphore
msgctl(2) - message control operations
msgget(2) - get message queue
msgsnd, msgrcv(2) - message operations
mstm(1M) - Menu interface to the Support Tools Manager
msync(2) - synchronize a mapped file
mt(1) - magnetic tape manipulating program
mt(7) - magnetic tape interface and controls
mtvtoppm(1) - convert output from the MTV or PRT ray tracers into a portable pixmap
munmap(2) - unmap a mapped region
mv(1) - move or rename files and directories
mvdir(1M) - move a directory
named(1M) - Internet domain name server
ncheck(1M) - generate path names from inode numbers
ndir.h(5) - format of HP-UX directory streams
neqn(1) - format mathematical text for nroff
net_aton( ) - network station address string conversion routines
netdistd(1M) - network file distribution (update) server daemon
netfmt(1M) - format tracing and logging binary files.
netgroup(4) - list of network groups
netlsd(1M) - Starts the license server
netrc(4) - login information for ftp (1) and rexec (3N)
netrc(4) - login information for ftp (1) and rexec (3N)
netrc(4) - login information for ftp (1) and rexec (3N)
netstat(1) - show network status
nettl(1M) - control network tracing and logging
nettlconf(1M) - configure network tracing and logging command subsystem database
nettlgen(1M) - generate network tracing and logging commands
nettlgen.conf(4) - Network Tracing and Logging configuration file
networks(4) - network name data base
newform(1) - change or reformat a text file
newfs(1M) - construct a new file system
newgrp(1) - log in to a new group
newmail(1) - notify users of new mail in mailboxes
news(1) - print news items
nfs, NFS(7) - network file system
nfsd, biod(1M) - NFS daemons
nfsstat(1M) - Network File System statistics
nfssvc, async_daemon(2) - NFS daemons
nice(1) - run a command at non-default priority
nice(2) - change priority of a process
nl(1) - line numbering filter
nl_init( ) - initialize the NLS environment of a program
nl_isalpha( ) - classify characters for use with NLS
nl_langinfo( ) - language information
nl_toupper( ) - translate characters for use with NLS
nlappend( ) - append the appropriate language identification to a valid MPE file name
nlcollate( ) - compare two character strings according to the MPE language-dependent collating sequence
nlconvclock( ) - check and convert time string to MPE internal format
nlconvcustdate( ) - convert date string to MPE packed date format
nlconvnum( ) - convert MPE native-language formatted number to ASCII number
nlfindstr( ) - search for a string in another string using the MPE character set definition
nlfmtcalendar( ) - format an MPE packed date using a localized format
nlfmtclock( ) - format MPE time of day using localized format
nlfmtcustdate( ) - format an MPE packed date using a custom date
nlfmtdate( ) - format MPE date and time in a localized format
nlfmtlongcal( ) - format an MPE packed date using a long calendar format
nlfmtnum( ) - convert an ASCII number to an MPE language-specific formatted number
nlgetlang( ) - return the current user, data, or system default language
nlinfo( ) - return MPE language-dependent information
nlio(5) - Native Language I/O (NLIO) Subsystem
nlist( ) - get entries from name list
nlist(4) - nlist structure format
nljudge( ) - judge whether a character is a one-byte or multi-byte Asian character using MPE character definition table
nljust(1) - justify lines, left or right, for printing
nlkeycompare( ) - determine if a character array (key1) is almost equal to another (key2) using the MPE language-dependent collation table
nlnumspec( ) - return information needed by MPE routines for formatting and converting numbers
nlrepchar( ) - replace non-displayable characters of a string using the MPE character set table
nlscanmove( ) - move, scan and case-shift character strings using the MPE character set definition table
nlsinfo(1) - display native language support information
nlsubstr( ) - extract substring of a string using the MPE character set definition table
nlswitchbuf( ) - convert a string of characters between phonetic order and screen order using the MPE character set definition table
nltranslate( ) - translate ASCII strings to EBCDIC using MPE conversion table
nm(1) - print name list of common object file
nm(1) - print name list of common object file.
nm(1) - print name list of object file
nodename(1) - assign a network node name or determine current network node name
nohup(1) - run a command immune to hangups, logouts, and quits
notify(1M) - FlexFAX user notification script
nrglbd(1M) - Non-Replicatable Global Location Broker daemon
nroff(1) - format text
nslookup(1) - query name servers interactively
null(7) - null file
ocd(1M) - outbound connection daemon used by DDFA software
ocdebug(1M) - Outbound Connection Daemon debug utility (used by DDFA software)
od, xd(1) - octal and hexadecimal dump
on(1) - execute command on remote host with environment similar to local
open(2) - open file for reading or writing
open_segment(3G) - open a segment in the display list of the specified device
opendir( ) - directory operations
optoverhead( ) - return number of bytes needed by a NetIPC option
opx25(1M) - execute HALGOL programs
pack, pcat, unpack(1) - compress and expand files
padem(1) - Pad emulation for X.25/9000 interface with PAD support
passwd(1) - change login password
passwd(4) - password file, pwd.h
paste(1) - merge same lines of several files or subsequent lines of one file
pathalias(1) - electronic address router
pathconf( ) - get configurable pathname variables
pattern_define(3G) - define a fill pattern
pause(2) - suspend process until signal
pax(1) - portable archive exchange
pbm(5) - portable bitmap file format
pbmlife(1) - apply Conway's rules of Life to a portable bitmap
pbmmake(1) - create a blank bitmap of a specified size
pbmmask(1) - create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
pbmreduce(1) - read a portable bitmap and reduce it N times
pbmtext(1) - render text into a bitmap
pbmto10x(1) - convert a portable bitmap into Gemini 10X printer graphics
pbmtoascii(1) - convert a portable bitmap into ASCII graphics
pbmtoatk(1) - convert portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit raster object
pbmtobg(1) - convert a portable bitmap into BitGraph graphics
pbmtocmuwm(1) - convert a portable bitmap into a CMU window manager bitmap
pbmtoepson(1) - convert a portable bitmap into Epson printer graphics
pbmtog3(1) - convert a portable bitmap into a Group 3 fax file
pbmtogem(1) - convert a portable bitmap into a GEM .img file
pbmtogo(1) - convert a portable bitmap into compressed GraphOn graphics
pbmtoicon(1) - convert a portable bitmap into a Sun icon
pbmtolj(1) - convert a portable bitmap into HP LaserJet format
pbmtomacp(1) - convert a portable bitmap into a MacPaint file
pbmtomgr(1) - convert a portable bitmap into a MGR bitmap
pbmtopi3(1) - convert a portable bitmap into an Atari Degas .pi3 file
pbmtoplot(1) - convert a portable bitmap into a Unix plot(5) file
pbmtoplot(1) - convert a portable bitmap into a Unix plot(5) file
pbmtoptx(1) - convert a portable bitmap into Printronix printer graphics
pbmtox10bm(1) - convert a portable bitmap into an X10 bitmap
pbmtoxbm(1) - convert a portable bitmap into an X11 bitmap
pbmupc(1) - create a Universal Product Code bitmap
pc(1) - Pascal compiler
pcnfsd(1M) - (PC)NFS authentication and print request server
pcserver(1M) - Basic Serial and HP AdvanceLink server
pcxtoppm(1) - convert a PCX file into a portable pixmap
pdc(1M) - processor-dependent code (firmware)
pdf(4) - Product Description File
pdfck(1M) - compare Product Description File to File System
pdfdiff(1M) - compare two Product Description Files
perf(1M) - test the NCS RPC runtime library
perimeter_color, perimeter_color_index, bf_perimeter_color, bf_perimeter_color_index(3G) - select color index or color value for subsequent polygon perimeters
perimeter_repeat_length, intperimeter_repeat_length, bf_perimeter_repeat_length(3G) - define line type pattern size for polygon perimeters and back-facing polygon perimeters
perimeter_type, bf_perimeter_type(3G) - select line type for subsequent polygon perimeters and back-facing polygon perimeters
perror( ) - system error messages
perror, gerror, ierrno(3F) - get system error messages
pfm_$cleanup(3) - establish a cleanup handler
pfm_$enable(3) - enable asynchronous faults
pfm_$enable_faults(3) - enable asynchronous faults
pfm_$inhibit(3) - inhibit asynchronous faults
pfm_$inhibit_faults(3) - inhibit asynchronous faults but allow time-sliced task switching
pfm_$init(3) - initialize the process fault manager (PFM) package
pfm_$intro(3) - fault management
pfm_$reset_cleanup(3) - reset a cleanup handler
pfm_$rls_cleanup(3) - release a cleanup handler
pfm_$signal(3) - signal the calling process
pfm_inhibit(3) - pointer entry to conflicting online manual entries
pg(1) - file perusal filter for soft-copy terminals
pgm(5) - portable graymap file format
pgm_$exit( ) - exit a program
pgm_$intro( ) - program management
pgmbentley(1) - Bentleyize a portable graymap
pgmcrater(1) - create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
pgmedge(1) - edge-detect a portable graymap
pgmenhance(1) - edge-enhance a portable graymap
pgmhist(1) - print a histogram of the values in a portable graymap
pgmnorm(1) - normalize the contrast in a portable graymap
pgmoil(1) - turn a portable graymap into an oil painting
pgmramp(1) - generate a grayscale ramp
pgmtexture(1) - calculate textural features on a portable graymap
pgmtofits(1) - convert a portable graymap into FITS format
pgmtofs(1) - convert portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format
pgmtolispm(1) - convert a portable graymap into Lisp Machine format
pgmtopbm(1) - convert a portable graymap into a portable bitmap
pgmtoppm(1) - colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap
pgmtoybm(1) - convert a portable bitmap into a Bennet Yee "face" file
pi1toppm(1) - convert an Atari Degas .pi1 into a portable pixmap
pi3topbm(1) - convert an Atari Degas .pi3 file into a portable bitmap
pick_from_segment(3G) - initiate a pick from a segment
picttoppm(1) - convert a Macintosh PICT file into a portable pixmap
ping(1M) - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
pipe(2) - create an interprocess channel
pjtoppm(1) - convert an HP PaintJet file to a portable pixmap
plock(2) - lock process, text, or data in memory
pnm(5) - portable anymap file format
pnmarith(1) - perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
pnmcat(1) - concatenate portable anymaps
pnmconvol(1) - general MxN convolution on a portable anymap
pnmcrop(1) - crop a portable anymap
pnmcut(1) - cut a rectangle out of a portable anymap
pnmdepth(1) - change the maxval in a portable anymap
pnmenlarge(1) - read a portable anymap and enlarge it N times
pnmfile(1) - describe a portable anymap
pnmflip(1) - perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap
pnmgamma(1) - perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
pnmindex(1) - build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps
pnminvert(1) - invert a portable anymap
pnmmargin(1) - add a border to a portable anymap
pnmnoraw(1) - force a portable anymap into plain format
pnmpaste(1) - paste a rectangle into a portable anymap
pnmrotate(1) - rotate a portable anymap by some angle
pnmscale(1) - scale a portable anymap
pnmshear(1) - shear a portable anymap by some angle
pnmsmooth(1) - smooth out an image
pnmtile(1) - replicate a portable anymap into a specified size
pnmtops(1) - convert portable anymap to PostScript
pnmtorast(1) - convert a portable pixmap into a Sun rasterfile
pnmtoxwd(1) - convert a portable anymap into an X11 window dump
poll(2) - monitor I/O conditions on multiple file descriptors
pollrcvd(1M) - FlexFAX script for delivering facsimile received by polling
polymarker2d, polymarker3d, polymarker_with_data3d, dcpolymarker(3G) - draw current marker symbol centered at each endpoint specified in clist array
popen( ) - initiate pipe I/O to/from a process
portmap(1M) - DARPA port to RPC program number mapper
portnls(5) - MPE Native Language Support routines
ppl(1) - point-to-point serial networking
ppl.ipool(4) - pool of local Internet addresses
ppl.remotes(4) - ppl configuration information for remote hosts
ppl.users(4) - translate user login names to default remote host names
pplstat(1) - give status of each invocation of ppl (1)
ppm(5) - portable pixmap file format
ppmdither(1) - ordered dither for color images
ppmforge(1) - fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies
ppmhist(1) - print a histogram of a portable pixmap
ppmmake(1) - create a pixmap of a specified size and color
ppmpat(1) - make a pretty pixmap
ppmquant(1) - quantize the colors in a portable pixmap down to a specified number
ppmquantall(1) - run ppmquant on a bunch of files all at once, so they share a common colormap
ppmrelief(1) - run a Laplacian relief filter on a portable pixmap
ppmtoacad(1) - convert portable pixmap to AutoCAD database or slide
ppmtogif(1) - convert a portable pixmap into a GIF file
ppmtoicr(1) - convert a portable pixmap into NCSA ICR format
ppmtoilbm(1) - convert a portable pixmap into an IFF ILBM file
ppmtopcx(1) - convert a portable pixmap into a PCX file
ppmtopgm(1) - convert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap
ppmtopi1(1) - convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Degas .pi1 file
ppmtopict(1) - convert a portable pixmap into a Macintosh PICT file
ppmtopj(1) - convert a portable pixmap to an HP PaintJet file
ppmtopuzz(1) - convert a portable pixmap into an X11 "puzzle" file
ppmtorgb3(1) - separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps
ppmtosixel(1) - convert a portable pixmap into DEC sixel format
ppmtotga(1) - convert portable pixmap into a TrueVision Targa file
ppmtouil(1) - convert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon file
ppmtoxpm(1) - convert a portable pixmap into an X11 pixmap
ppmtoyuv(1) - convert a portable pixmap into an Abekas YUV file
pr(1) - print files
praliases(1) - print system-wide sendmail aliases
prealloc(1) - preallocate disk storage
prealloc(2) - preallocate fast disk storage
print_element(3G) - print a display list element
printenv(1) - print out the environment
printf( ) - print formatted output
printf(1) - format and print arguments
printmsg( ) - print formatted output with numbered arguments
privgrp(4) - format of privileged values
prmail(1) - print out mail in the incoming mailbox file
prof(1) - display profile data
profil(2) - execution time profile
profile(4) - set up user's environment at login time
proto(4) - prototype job file for at (1)
proto(4) - prototype job file for at (1)
protocols(4) - protocol name data base
protogen(1) - ANSI C function prototype generator
proxy(1M) - manipulates the NS Probe proxy table
prs(1) - print and summarize an SCCS file
ps, cps(1) - report process status
ps2, ps2kbd, ps2mouse(7) - PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse device driver
ps2fax(1M) - image PostScript for facsimile transmission
psidtopgm(1) - convert PostScript "image" data into a portable graymap
psqlc, psqlpas, psqlfor, psqlcbl(1) - preprocess ALLBASE/SQL source programs written in C, Pascal, FORTRAN and COBOL
ptmp(4) - ptmp entry format
ptrace(2) - process trace
ptsname(3C) - get the name of a slave pty
ptx(1) - permuted index
pty(7) - pseudo terminal driver
push_matrix2d, push_matrix3d, intpush_matrix2d(3G) - push matrix onto top of matrix stack
push_state, pop_state(3G) - save and restore the state of the graphics device
push_vdc_matrix(3G) - push VDC-to-DC transformation matrix on top of matrix stack.
putc( ) - put character or word on a stream
putc, fputc(3F) - write a character to a fortran logical unit
putenv( ) - change or add value to environment
putpwent( ) - write password file entry
puts( ) - put a string on a stream
putspwent( ) - write secure password file entry
putwc( ) - put a wide character on a stream file
pvchange(1M) - change characteristics of physical volume in a volume group
pvcreate(1M) - create physical volume for use in a volume group
pvdisplay(1M) - display information about physical volumes within a volume group
pvmove(1M) - move allocated physical extents from one physical volume to one or more other physical volumes
pwck, grpck(1M) - password/group file checkers
pwd(1) - working directory name
pwget, grget(1) - get password and group information
qrttoppm(1) - convert output from the QRT ray tracer into a portable pixmap
qsort( ) - quicker sort
qsort(3F) - quick sort
quadrilateral_mesh, quadrilateral_mesh_with_data(3G) - defines a series of quadrilateral regions to be filled and/or edged.
queuedefs(4) - queue description file for at(1), batch(1), and crontab(1)
queuedefs(4) - queue description file for at(1), batch(1), and crontab(1)
quot(1M) - summarize file system ownership
quota(1) - display disk usage and limits
quota(5) - disk quotas
quotacheck(1M) - file system quota consistency checker
quotactl(2) - manipulate disk quotas
quotaon, quotaoff(1M) - turn file system quotas on and off
rand( ) - simple random-number generator
ranlib(4) - archive symbol table format for object libraries
rasttopnm(1) - convert a Sun rasterfile into a portable anymap
ratfor(1) - rational Fortran dialect
rawtopgm(1) - convert raw grayscale bytes into a portable graymap
rawtoppm(1) - convert raw RGB bytes into a portable pixmap
rbootd(1M) - remote boot server
rcancel(1M) - remove requests from a remote line printer spooling queue
rcmd( ) - return a stream to a remote command
rcp(1) - remote file copy
rcs(1) - change RCS file attributes
rcsdiff(1) - compareRCS revisions
rcsfile(4) - format of RCS files
rcsintro(5) - description of RCS commands
rcsmerge(1) - merge RCS revisions
read(1) - read a line from standard input
read, readv(2) - read input
read_choice_event(3G) - read choice event from top of event queue
read_locator_event(3G) - read locator event from top of event queue
readlink(2) - read value of a symbolic link
readmail(1) - read mail from specified mailbox
readopt( ) - obtain option code and data from NetIPC option buffer
reboot(1M) - reboot the system
reboot(2) - boot the system
recoversl(1M) - check and recover damaged or missing shared libraries
recserv(1M) - HP SharedX Receiver Service
recv, recvfrom, recvmsg(2) - receive a message from a socket
recvstats(1M) - summarize FlexFAX transmission accounting statistics
refresh_element(3G) - display the current element on the associated graphics display device
refresh_segment, refresh_segment_hsr(3G) - display specified segment network on associated graphics display device
regcmp( ) - compile and execute regular expression
regcomp( ) - regular expression matching routines
regen(1M) - regenerate (uxgen) an updated HP-UX system
regexp(5) - regular expression and pattern matching notation definitions
reltimer(3C) - relatively arm a per-process timer
remove( ) - remove a file
remove_names_from_set, remove_all_names_from_set(3G) - remove names from the current name set
remsh(1) - execute from a remote shell
remshd(1M) - remote shell server
rename(2) - change the name of a file
rename(3F) - rename a file
rename_segment, rename_segment_and_references(3G) - rename segment or segment and all references to segment
rendering_hints(3G) - provide rendering hints to increase rendering performance.
renice(1) - alter priority of running processes
replace_ele(3G) - switch a display list into replace mode
replace_matrix2d, replace_matrix3d, intreplace_matrix2d(3G) - replace current transformation matrix with a specified matrix
repquota(1M) - summarize quotas for a file system
request_choice(3G) - wait for input device to be triggered then return measured value
request_locator, intrequest_locator2d(3G) - wait for input device to be triggered then return measured value
res_query( ) - resolver routines
resize(1) - utility to set TERMCAP and terminal settings to current window size
resolver(4) - resolver configuration file
restore, rrestore(1M) - restore file system incrementally, local or across network
rev(1) - reverse lines of a file
revck(1M) - check internal revision numbers of HP-UX files
rexd(1M) - RPC-based remote execution server
rexec( ) - return stream to a remote command
rexecd(1M) - remote execution server
rgb(1) - X Window System color database creator.
rgb3toppm(1) - combine three portable graymaps into one portable pixmap
rgb_to_index(3G) - find the index of the closest color in the color map
ripquery(1M) - query RIP gateways
rlb(1M) - remote loopback diagnostic
rlbdaemon(1M) - remote loopback diagnostic server
rlog(1) - print log messages and other information on RCS files
rlogin(1) - remote login
rlogind(1M) - remote login server
rlp(1M) - send LP line printer request to a remote system
rlpdaemon(1M) - remote spooling line printer daemon, message write daemon
rlpstat(1M) - print status of LP spooler requests on a remote system
rm(1) - remove files or directories
rmdel(1) - remove a delta from an SCCS file
rmdir(1) - remove directories
rmdir(2) - remove a directory file
rmfn(1M) - remove HP-UX functionality (partitions and filesets)
rmnl(1) - remove extra new-line characters from file
rmsf(1M) - remove a special file
rmt(1M) - remote magnetic-tape protocol module
rmtab(4) - local file system mount statistics
rmtimer(3C) - free a per-process timer
rnusers( ) - return information about users on remote machines
route(1M) - manually manipulate the routing tables
routing(7) - system support for local network packet routing
rpc( ) - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc(4) - rpc program number data base
rpcgen(1) - an RPC protocol compiler
rpcinfo(1M) - report RPC information
rquotad(1M) - remote quota server
rstat( ) - get performance data from remote kernel
rstatd(1M) - kernel statistics server
rtprio(1) - execute process with real-time priority
rtprio(2) - change or read real-time priority
runacct(1M) - run daily accounting
rup(1) - show host status of local machines (RPC version)
ruptime(1) - show status of local machines
rusers(1) - determine who is logged in on machines on local network
rusersd(1M) - network username server
rwall( ) - write to specified remote machines
rwall(1M) - write to all users over a network
rwalld(1M) - network rwall server
rwho(1) - show who is logged in on local machines
rwhod(1M) - system status server
s2p(1) - Sed to Perl translator
sa1, sa2, sadc(1M) - system activity report package
sact(1) - print current SCCS file editing activity
sadp(1M) - disk access profiler
sam(1M) - system administration manager
sample_choice(3G) - return current choice value
sar(1) - system activity reporter
sasum, dasum, iasum, scasum, dzasum(3X) - the sum of magnitudes of the elements of a vector
savecore(1M) - save a core dump of the operating system
saxpy, daxpy, caxpy, zaxpy, caxpyc, zaxpyc(3X) - elementary vector operation
sb2xwd(1) - translate Starbase bitmap to xwd bitmap format
scancore(1M) - scan system core dump
scandir( ) - scan a directory
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, nl_scanf, nl_fscanf, nl_sscanf(3S) - formatted input conversion, read from stream file
sccsdiff(1) - compare two versions of an SCCS file
sccsfile(4) - format of SCCS file
scopy, dcopy, icopy, ccopy, ccopyc, zcopy, zcopyc(3X) - copy vector
script(1) - make typescript of terminal session
scsi(7) - Small Computer System Interface device drivers
scsi_changer(7) - SCSI media changer device driver
scsi_ctl(7) - SCSI device control device driver
scsi_disk(7) - SCSI direct access (disk) device driver
scsi_tape(7) - SCSI sequential access (tape) device driver
scsictl(1M) - control a SCSI device
sdf(4) - structured directory format description
sdfchmod(1) - change mode of an SDF file
sdfchown, sdfchgrp(1) - change owner or group of an SDF file
sdfcp, sdfln, sdfmv(1) - copy, link, or move files to/from an SDF volume
sdfdf(1M) - report number of free SDF disk blocks
sdffind(1) - find files in an SDF system
sdffsck(1M) - SDF file system consistency check, interactive repair
sdffsdb(1M) - examine/modify an SDF file system
sdfls, sdfll(1) - list contents of SDF directories
sdfmkdir(1) - make an SDF directory
sdfrm, sdfrmdir(1) - remove SDF files or directories
sdiff(1) - side-by-side difference program
sdot, ddot, cdotc, cdotu, zdotc, zdotu(3X) - dot product of two vectors
sdsadmin(1M) - create and administer Software Disk Striping arrays
sed(1) - stream text editor
seg_control(3G) - set or clear segment control flags of a segment.
select(2) - synchronous I/O multiplexing
semctl(2) - semaphore control operations
semget(2) - get set of semaphores
semop(2) - semaphore operations
send, sendto, sendmsg(2) - send a message from a socket
sendfax(1) - submit a facsimile job for transmission
sendmail(1M) - send mail over the internet
services(4) - service name data base
set_capping_planes(3G) - cap current Model Clip Volume planes
set_cull_size(3G) - define a threshold cull size for setting the value of the cull condition
set_disp_traversal_control(3g) - insert a display traversal control element into the currently open segment
set_ele_ptr, set_ele_ptr_relative, set_ele_ptr_relative_to_label, set_ele_ptr_at_end(3G) - set the element pointer in the currently open segment
set_extent, set_extent_displacements(3G) - set and test an extent for pruning and culling
set_highlighting_filter(3G) - set the current highlighting filter
set_invisibility_filter(3G) - set the current invisibility filter
set_locator(3G) - set locator value
set_model_clip_indicator(3G) - enable/disable clipping to Model Clip Volume
set_model_clip_volume(3G) - define a new or modified Model Clip Volume
set_p1_p2(3G) - set physical device limits
set_pick_filter, set_pick_sense(3G) - set the current pick filter
set_pick_mode(3G) - set picking mode used by
set_pick_traversal_control(3G) - insert a pick traversal control element into the currently open segment
set_signals(3G) - disable or enable signal function of specified device
set_traversal_depth(3G) - set maximum depth of display list traversal
setacl, fsetacl(2) - set access control list (ACL) information
setaclentry( ) - add, modify, or delete one entry in file's access control list (ACL)
setaudid(2) - set the audit ID (aid) for the current process
setaudproc(2) - controls process level auditing for the current process and its decendents
setbuf( ) - assign buffering to a stream file
setclock(3C) - set value of system-wide clock
setevent(2) - set current events and system calls which are to be audited
setgroups(2) - set group access list
sethostname(2) - set name of host cpu
setjmp( ) - non-local goto
setlocale( ) - set and get the locale of a program
setmnt(1M) - establish mount table /etc/mnttab
setpgid, setpgrp2(2) - set process group ID for job control
setprivgrp(1M) - set special attributes for group
setresuid, setresgid(2) - set real, effective, and saved user and group IDs
setsid, setpgrp(2) - create session and set process group ID
setuid, setgid(2) - set user and group IDs
sgbmv, dgbmv, cgbmv, zgbmv(3X) - general band matrix-vector multiply
sgemm, dgemm, cgemm, zgemm(3X) - general matrix-matrix multiply
sgemv, dgemv, cgemv, zgemv(3X) - general matrix-vector multiply
sger, dger, cgerc, cgeru, zgerc, zgeru(3X) - general rank-1 update
sgi2fax(1) - convert a Silicon Graphics image file for facsimile transmission
sh(1) - overview of various system shells
sh(1) - shell partially based on preliminary POSIX draft
sh, rsh(1) - shell, the standard/restricted command programming language
shade_range(3G) - set intensity-to-frame-buffer-index mapping
shar(1) - make a shell archive package
shells(4) - list of allowed login shells
shl(1) - shell layer manager
shl_load( ) - explicit load of shared libraries
shmat, shmdt(2) - shared memory operations
shmctl(2) - shared memory control operations
shmget(2) - get shared memory segment
showcdf(1) - show the actual path name matched for a CDF
showmount(1M) - show all remote mounts
shutdown(1M) - terminate all processing
shutdown(2) - shut down a socket
sig_named(1M) - send signals to the domain name server
sigaction(2) - examine and change signal action
sigblock(2) - block signals
sigemptyset( ) - initialize, manipulate, and test signal sets
signal(2) - specify what to do upon receipt of a signal
signal(3F) - change the action for a signal
signal(5) - Description of signals
sigpause(2) - atomically release blocked signals and wait for interrupt
sigpending(2) - examine pending signals
sigprocmask(2) - examine and change blocked signals
sigsetmask(2) - set current signal mask
sigspace(2) - assure sufficient signal stack space
sigstack(2) - set and/or get signal stack context
sigsuspend(2) - wait for a signal
sigvector(2) - software signal facilities
sin( ) - trigonometric functions
sind( ) - degree-valued trigonometric functions
sinh( ) - hyperbolic functions
size(1) - print section sizes of object files
sldtoppm(1) - convert an AutoCAD slide file into a portable pixmap
sleep( ) - suspend execution for interval
sleep(1) - suspend execution for an interval
sleep(3F) - suspend execution for an interval
slp(1) - set printing options for a non-serial printer
sm, sm.bak, state(4) - statd directory and file structures
sna3179g, sna3270, sna3770, liblu62.a(1) - IBM* 3179G/3192G, 3270, 3777 terminal emulator and APPC API
snmpd(1M) - daemon that responds to SNMP requests
snmpd.conf(4) - configuration file for the SNMP agent
snrm2, dnrm2, scnrm2, dznrm2(3X) - Euclidean norm of a vector
snrsq, dnrsq, scnrsq, dznrsq(3X) - square of the Euclidean norm of a vector
socket(2) - create an endpoint for communication
socket(7) - Interprocess communications
socketpair(2) - create a pair of connected sockets
socketx25(7) - Interprocess communications via AF_CCITT sockets
soelim(1) - eliminate .so's from nroff input
softbench(1) - SoftBench Software Development Environment
softkeys(4) - keysh softkey file format
sort(1) - sort or merge files
spctoppm(1) - convert an Atari compressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
spell, hashmake, spellin, hashcheck(1) - find spelling errors
spline_curve2d, spline_curve3d, spline_surface(3G) - draw a spline curve or surface.
split(1) - split a file into pieces
spray(1M) - spray packets
spray(3N) - scatter data in order to check the network
sprayd(1M) - spray server
sputl( ) - access long integer data in a machine-independent fashion
sputoppm(1) - convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
sqlgen(1) - generate command files to unload, reload an ALLBASE/SQL relational DataBase Environment
sqlmig(1) - migrate an ALLBASE/SQL DBEnvironment to a new release
sqlutil(1) - maintain and configure an ALLBASE/SQL DBEnvironment
srot, drot, crot, csrot, zrot, zdrot(3X) - apply a Givens rotation to two vectors
ssbmv, dsbmv, chbmv, zhbmv(3X) - symmetric or Hermitian band matrix-vector multiply
sscal, dscal, cscal, csscal, zscal, zdscal(3X) - scale a vector
ssignal( ) - software signals
ssp(1) - remove multiple line-feeds from output
sspmv, dspmv, chpmv, zhpmv(3X) - symmetric or Hermitian matrix-vector multiply
sspr, dspr, chpr, zhpr(3X) - symmetric or Hermitian rank-1 update
sspr2, dspr2, chpr2, zhpr2(3X) - symmetric or Hermitian rank-2 update
sswap, dswap, iswap, cswap, zswap(3X) - swap two vectors
ssymm, dsymm, chemm, csymm, zhemm, zsymm(3X) - symmetric or Hermitian matrix-matrix multiply
ssymv, dsymv, chemv, zhemv(3X) - symmetric or hermitian matrix-vector multiply
ssyr, dsyr, cher, zher(3X) - symmetric or Hermitian rank-1 update
ssyr2, dsyr2, cher2, zher2(3X) - symmetric or Hermitian rank-2 update
ssyr2k, dsyr2k, cher2k, csyr2k, zher2k, zsyr2k(3X) - symmetric or Hermitian rank-2k update
ssyrk, dsyrk, cherk, csyrk, zherk, zsyrk(3X) - symmetric or Hermitian rank-k update
starbase(3G) - Starbase Graphics Library description
starttran, endtran(3) - Defines Transactions for HP Performance Tools
stat, lstat, fstat(2) - get file status
stat, lstat, fstat(3F) - get file status
stat.h(5) - file-specific information
statd(1M) - network status monitor
statfs, fstatfs(2) - get file system statistics
statfsdev, fstatfsdev(3C) - get file system statistics
status(4F) - server status database
stbmv, dtbmv, ctbmv, ztbmv(3X) - triangular band matrix-vector multiply
stbsv, dtbsv, ctbsv, ztbsv(3X) - solve triangular band system
stcode(1M) - translate hexadecimal status code value to textual message
stconv(1M) - Utility to convert scalable type symbol set map formats
stdarg.h(5) - macros for handling variable argument lists
stdio( ) - standard buffered input/output stream file package
stdsyms(5) - description of HP-UX header file organization
stime(2) - set time and date
stlicense(1M) - server access control program for X
stload(1M) - Utility to load Scalable Type outlines
stmkdirs(1) - Utility to build Scalable Type ``.dir'' and ``.tfm'' files.
stmkfont(1) - Scalable Typeface font compiler to create X and PCL fonts
stpmv, dtpmv, ctpmv, ztpmv(3X) - triangular matrix-vector multiply
stpsv, dtpsv, ctpsv, ztpsv(3X) - solve one triangular system
strcat( ) - character string operations
strcmp8( ) - non-ASCII string collation
strftime( ) - convert date and time to string
strings(1) - find the printable strings in an object or other binary file
strip(1) - strip symbol and line number information from an object file
strmm, dtrmm, ctrmm, ztrmm(3X) - triangular matrix-matrix multiply
strmv, dtrmv, ctrmv, ztrmv(3X) - triangular matrix-vector multiply
strord(3C) - convert string data order
strsm, dtrsm, ctrsm, ztrsm(3X) - solve simultaneous triangular systems
strsv, dtrsv, ctrsv, ztrsv(3X) - solve one triangular system
strtoacl( ) - convert exact or pattern string form to access control list (ACL) structure
strtod, atof, nl_strtod, nl_atof(3C) - convert string to double-precision number
strtol, atol, atoi, strtoul(3C) - convert string to integer
strtold( ) - convert string to long double-precision number
stty(1) - set the options for a terminal port
stty(7) - terminal interface for Version 6/PWB compatibility
stty, gtty(2) - control device
su(1) - become super-user or another user
subnetconfig(1M) - configure subnet behavior
suffix(5) - file-name suffix conventions
sum(1) - print checksum and block or byte count of file(s)
surface_coefficients, bf_surface_coefficients(3G) - select the ambient, diffuse and specular coefficients for filled area primitives, and back-facing elements of filled area primitives
surface_model, bf_surface_model(3G) - define surface light reflectance parameters for shaded polygon fill, and for back-facing elements of shaded polygons
swab( ) - swap bytes
swapinfo(1M) - system swap space information
swapon(1M) - enable additional device or file system for paging and swapping
swapon(2) - add swap space for interleaved paging/swapping
switchdiskl(1M) - lock disks
switchheartb(1M) - send state-of-health messages to standby
switchreadp(1M) - monitor health of primary host(s)
switchsetflg(1M) - set the boot flags
switchsetlan(1M) - set LAN station address
symlink(2) - make symbolic link to a file
symlink(4) - symbolic link
sync(1M) - synchronize file systems
sync, lsync(2) - update super-block
syncer(1M) - periodically sync for file system integrity
sysconf(2) - get configurable system variables
sysdef(1M) - analyze system definition information
sysdiag(1M) - online diagnostic system interface
syslog( ) - control system log
syslogd(1M) - log systems messages
system( ) - issue a shell command
system(3F) - execute a UNIX command
szero, dzero, izero, czero, zzero(3X) - zero vector
tabs(1) - set tabs on a terminal
tail(1) - deliver the last part of a file
tar(1) - tape file archiver
tar(4) - format of tar tape archive
tbl(1) - format tables for nroff
tcgetattr( ) - control tty device
tcgetpgrp( ) - get foreground process group id
tcio(1) - Command Set 80 CS/80 Cartridge Tape Utility
tcp(7P) - Internet Transmission Control Protocol
tcsendbreak( ) - tty line control functions
tcsetpgrp( ) - set foreground process group id
tcsh(1) - C shell with file name completion and command line editing
tee(1) - pipe fitting
telnet(1) - user interface to the TELNET protocol
telnetd(1M) - TELNET protocol server
term(4) - format of compiled term file
term(5) - conventional names for terminals
terminfo(4) - terminal capability database
termio, termios(7) - general terminal interface
termiox(7) - extended general terminal interface
test(1) - condition evaluation command
text_alignment(3G) - set text line alignment relative to starting point of each line
text_color, text_color_index(3G) - select color for subsequent text operations
text_font_index(3G) - select character font for subsequent text primitives
text_line_path(3G) - define relative position between successive lines of text.
text_line_space(3G) - set spacing between lines for subsequent text procedures
text_path(3G) - selects the direction of subsequently drawn text characters.
text_precision(3G) - select how text will be drawn.
text_switching_mode(3G) - select text character set designation and invocation mode
textfmt(1) - convert text to PostScript for facsimile transmission
texture_index, bf_texture_index(3G) - select the texture map to use
texture_viewport(3G) - specify a mapping area for subsequent texture_windows
texture_window(3G) - define a 2 dimensional transformation onto the texture_viewport .
tftp(1) - trivial file transfer program
tftpd(1M) - trivial file transfer protocol server
tgatoppm(1) - convert TrueVision Targa file into a portable pixmap
tgetent( ) - emulate /etc/termcap access routines
tic(1M) - terminfo compiler
time(1) - time a command
time(2) - get time
time, ctime, ltime, gmtime(3F) - return system time
times(2) - get process and child process times
timex(1) - time a command; report process data and system activity
tmpfile( ) - create a temporary file
tmpnam( ) - create a name for a temporary file
top(1) - display and update information about the top processes on the system
topen, tclose, tread, twrite, trewin, tskipf, tstate(3F) - f77 tape I/O
touch(1) - update access, modification, and/or change times of file
toupper( ) - translate characters
towupper( ) - translate wide characters
tput(1) - query terminfo database
tr(1) - translate characters
track(3G) - asynchronously echo an input device's locator position on an output device.
track_off(3G) - stop asynchronous tracking
transcript(1M) - print a transcript of the last call placed by a FlexFAX server
traversal_lock(3G) - control display locking during display list traversal
triangular_strip, triangular_strip_with_data(3G) - defines a series of triangular regions to be filled and/or edged.
true, false(1) - return exit status zero or one respectively
truncate, ftruncate(2) - truncate a file to a specified length
tsearch( ) - manage binary search trees
tset, reset(1) - terminal-dependent initialization
tsi(4F) - Transmission Subscriber Identification ( TSI ) database
tsm(1) - Terminal Session Manager
tsm.command(1) - send commands to the Terminal Session Manager (TSM) - get Terminal Session Manager state information
tsm.lpadmin(1M) - add or remove a printer for use with tsm (1)
tsm.lpadmin(1M) - add or remove a printer for use with tsm (1)
tsort(1) - topological sort
tty(7) - controlling terminal interface
tty, pty(1) - get the name of the terminal
ttynam, isatty(3F) - find name of a terminal port
ttyname( ) - find name of a terminal
ttyslot( ) - find the slot in the utmp file of the current user
ttytype(1) - terminal identification program
ttytype(4) - data base of terminal types by port
tunefs(1M) - tune up an existing file system
types(5) - primitive system data types
tztab(4) - time zone adjustment table for date(1) and ctime(3C)
tztab(4) - time zone adjustment table for date(1) and ctime(3C)
tztab(4) - time zone adjustment table for date(1) and ctime(3C)
udp(7P) - internet user datagram protocol
ul(1) - do underlining
ulimit(2) - get and set user limits
umask(1) - get or set the file mode creation mask
umask(2) - set and get file creation mask
umodem(1) - XMODEM-protocol file transfer program
umount(2) - unmount a file system
uname(1) - print name of current HP-UX version
uname, setuname(2) - get/set name of current HP-UX system
unget(1) - undo a previous get of an SCCS file
ungetc( ) - push character back into input stream
ungetwc( ) - push a wide character back into an input stream
unifdef(1) - remove preprocessor lines
uniq(1) - report repeated lines in a file
unistd.h(5) - standard structures and symbolic constants
units(1) - conversion program
unix(7P) - Local communication domain protocol
unlink(2) - remove directory entry; delete file
unlink(3F) - remove a directory entry
untic(1M) - terminfo de-compiler
update(4) - update-media format
update, updist(1M) - update or install HP-UX files (software products)
uptime(1) - show how long system has been up
users(1) - compact list of users who are on the system
ustat(2) - get file system statistics
utime(2) - set file access and modification times
utmp, wtmp, btmp(4) - utmp, wtmp, btmp entry format
uucheck(1M) - check the uucp directories and permissions file
uucico(1M) - transfer files for the uucp system
uuclean(1M) - uucp spool directory clean-up
uucleanup(1M) - uucp spool directory clean-up
uucp, uulog, uuname(1) - UNIX system to UNIX system copy
uuencode(4) - format of an encoded uuencode file
uuencode, uudecode(1) - encode/decode a binary file for transmission by mailer
uugetty(1M) - set terminal type, modes, speed and line discipline
uuid_gen(1M) - UUID generating program
uuidname.txt(4) - file associating names with UUIDs
uuls(1M) - list spooled uucp transactions grouped by transaction
uupath, mkuupath(1) - access and manage the pathalias database
uusched(1M) - schedule uucp transport files
uusnap(1M) - show snapshot of the UUCP system
uusnaps(1M) - sort and embellish uusnap output
uustat(1) - uucp status inquiry and job control
uusub(1M) - monitor uucp network
uuto, uupick(1) - public UNIX system to UNIX system file copy
uux(1) - UNIX system to UNIX system command execution
uuxqt(1M) - execute remote uucp or uux command requests
uxgen(1M) - generate an HP-UX system
vacation(1) - return ``I am not here'' indication
val(1) - validate SCCS file
values(5) - machine-dependent values
varargs(5) - handle variable argument list
vc(1) - version control
vdc_justification(3G) - control exact placement of VDC extent within physical region specified by set_p1_p2 when mapping_mode is isotropic. This used to be called
vdc_to_dc(3G) - transform a virtual device coordinate point to a device coordinate point using the current VDC-to-DC transformation.
vdc_to_wc(3G) - transform virtual device coordinate point to world coordinate point using inverse of current transformation matrix
vertex_format(3G) - set vertex list format for polygons and polylines
vfork(2) - spawn new process; share virtual memory
vfsmount(2) - mount a file system
vgcfgbackup(1M) - create or update volume group configuration backup file
vgcfgrestore(1M) - restore volume group configuration from a configuration file
vgchange(1M) - set volume group availability
vgcreate(1M) - create a volume group
vgdisplay(1M) - display information about volume groups
vgexport(1M) - export a Volume Group and its associated Logical Volumes
vgextend(1M) - extend a volume group by adding physical volumes to it
vgimport(1M) - import a Volume Group onto the system
vgreduce(1M) - reduce a volume group by removing one or more physical volumes
vgremove(1M) - remove definition of one or more volume groups from the system
vgscan(1M) - scan all Physical Volumes looking for Logical Volume Groups
vgsync(1M) - synchronize stale logical volume mirrors in one or more volume groups
vhe_altlog(1M) - login when Virtual Home Environment (VHE) home machine is not available
vhe_list(4) - information file for the Virtual Home Environment
vhe_mounter(1M) - start the Virtual Home Environment (VHE)
vhe_u_mnt(1M) - perform Network File System (NFS) mount to remote file system
vi(1) - screen-oriented (visual) display editor
view_camera(3G) - define 3-D viewing transformation matrix using synthetic camera model
view_volume(3G) - define 3-D viewing transformation matrix using a volume/viewport model
viewpoint(3G) - define eye position in world coordinates used to calculate specular reflections and for back-face cull.
vipw(1M) - edit the password file
vis, inv(1) - make unprintable characters in a file visible or invisible
vmstat(1) - report virtual memory statistics
volcopy,labelit(1M) - copy file systems with label checking
vprintf( ) - print formatted output of a varargs argument list
vrfy(1) - Verify electronic mail addresses
vscanf( ) - formatted input conversion to a varargs argument list, read from stream file
vt(1) - log in on another system over lan
vtdaemon(1M) - respond to vt requests
vuefincalc(1) - financial calculator tool
vuehello(1) - startup transition program for HP VUE vuecolor
vuelite(1) -
vuelock(1) - screen lock program for HP VUE Lite
vuewmrc(4X) - The HP VUE Workspace Manager .
wait(1) - await process completion
wait(3F) - wait for a process to terminate
wait, waitpid, wait3(2) - wait for child or traced process to stop or terminate
wall, cwall(1M) - write to all users
wc(1) - word, line, and character count
wc_to_vdc(3G) - transform world coordinate point into virtual device coordinate point using current transformation matrix
wcscat( ) - wide character string operations
wcsftime( ) - convert date and time to wide-character string
wcstod( ) - convert wide character string to double-precision number
wcstol( ) - convert wide character string to long integer
what(1) - get SCCS identification information
whereis(1) - locate source, binary, and/or manual for program
which(1) - locate a program file including aliases and paths
who(1) - who is on the system
whoami(1) - print effective current user id
whodo(1M) - which users are doing what
whois(1) - TCP/IP Internet directory service, RIPE version
wordexp, wordfree(3C) - perform word expansions
write(1) - interactively write (talk) to another user
write, writev(2) - write on a file
write_enable(3G) - enable selected planes of frame buffer for drawing
x11start(1) - start the X11 window system
x25_networks(4) - identifies the network types used by the system
x25check, x25server(1M) - test connectivity between local and remote X.25 nodes
x25init(1M) - configures and initializes an X.25 interface card
x25init_smpl(4) - sample configuration file used to initialize an X.25 interface.
x25lbtest(1M) - Series 300/400 PDI interface card loopback self-test
x25stat(1) - display interface status, configuration information, and virtual circuit statistics.
x25stop(1M) - shut down an X.25/9000 interface card gracefully.
x25upload(1M) - dump X.25/9000 interface card memory into a file.
x29hosts(4) - PAD-related configuration file
x29printd(1M) - remote PAD printer server for LP requests over X.25 network
x29server(1M) - X.29 PAD support server
x29uucpd(1M) - PAD UUCP server for UUCP requests to remote hosts on X.25 network
x3config(4) - PAD-related X.3 configuration file
xargs(1) - construct argument list(s) and execute command
xauth(1) - X authority file utility
xbiff++(1) - mailbox flag for X, with faces and sounds
xbmtopbm(1) - convert an X11 or X10 bitmap into a portable bitmap
xbrowser(1) - LUCS Archive Graphical Interface
xcal(1) - display calendar in an X11 window
xclipboard(1) - X clipboard client
xclock(1) - analog / digital clock for X
xcmsdb(1) - Xlib Screen Color Characterization Data utility
xcutsel(1) - interchange between cut buffer and selection
xdb(1) - C, FORTRAN, Pascal, and C++ Symbolic Debugger
xdialog(1) - display a message in an X11 Motif dialog window
xdpyinfo(1) - display information utility for X
xdr ( ) - library routines for external data representation
xf(1) - interactive interface builder for Tcl/TK
xfappdef(1) - interactive Tk/X Resource editor
xfd(1) - display all the characters in an X font
xferstats(1M) - summarize FlexFAX transmission accounting statistics
xfhardcopy(1) - interactive Tk hardcopy program
xfhelp(1) - interactive Tk help program
xfpixmap(1) - a small icon editor for Xpm 3 files
xftutorial(1) - interactive Tk tutorial program
xhost(1) - server access control program for X
xhpcalc(1) - Hewlett-Packard type calculator emulator
xhtml(1) - a hypertext markup language editor program
ximtoppm(1) - convert an Xim file into a portable pixmap
xinit(1) - X Window System initializer
xinitcolormap(1) - initialize the X colormap
xload(1) - system load average display for X
xlock(1) - Locks the local X display until a password is entered.
xlsfonts(1) - server font list displayer for X
xmodmap(1) - utility for modifying keymaps in X
xpmtoppm(1) - convert an X11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
xpr(1) - print an X window dump
xprop(1) - property displayer for X
xrdb(1) - X server resource database utility
xrefresh(1) - refresh all or part of an X screen
xrn(1) - an X-based interface to the USENET news system that uses the NNTP remote news server
xseethru(1) - opens a transparent window into the image planes of a HP graphics display system while running X in the overlay planes.
xset(1) - user preference utility for X
xsetroot(1) - root window parameter setting utility for X
xstm(1M) - X11-based support tool manager
xstr(1) - extract strings from C programs to implement shared strings
xterm(1) - terminal emulator for X
xwcreate(1) - create a new X window
xwd(1) - dump an image of an X window
xwd2sb(1) - translate xwd bitmap to Starbase bitmap format
xwdestroy(1) - destroy one or more existing windows
xwdtopnm(1) - convert a X11 or X10 window dump file into a portable anymap
xwininfo(1) - window information utility for X
xwud(1) - image displayer for X
yacc(1) - yet another compiler-compiler
ybmtopbm(1) - convert a Bennet Yee "face" file into a portable bitmap
yes(1) - be repetitively affirmative
ypcat(1) - print all values in Network Information Service map
ypclnt( ) - Network Information Service client interface
ypfiles(4) - Network Information Service database and directory structure
ypinit(1M) - build and install Network Information Service databases
ypmake(1M) - create or rebuild Network Information Service databases
ypmatch(1) - print values of selected keys in Network Information Service map
yppasswd( ) - update user password in Network Information Service
yppasswd(1) - change login password in Network Information System
yppasswdd(1M) - daemon for modifying Network Information Service passwd database
yppoll(1M) - query NIS server for information about NIS map
yppush(1M) - force propagation of Network Information Service database
ypserv, ypbind(1M) - Network Information Service server and binder processes
ypset(1M) - bind to particular Network Information Service server
ypwhich(1) - list which host is Network Information System server or map master
ypxfr, ypxfr_1perday, ypxfr_1perhour, ypxfr_2perday(1M) - transfer NIS database from server to local node
yuvtoppm(1) - convert Abekas YUV bytes into a portable pixmap
zbuffer_switch(3G) - enable section of display surface for Z-buffer hidden surface removal
zcmp, zdiff(1) - compare compressed files
zforce(1) - force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zgrep(1) - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zmore(1) - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
znew(1) - recompress .Z files to .gz files